acknowledging in the presence of his opponents that three of
their goddesses were worthy of honour and would intercede effectually with GOD. On that
occasion, deserted by almost all his followers (whom he had sent to take refuge in
Abyssinia), and almost despairing of success in his mission, Muhammad went to pray in the
Ka'abah, the great national sanctuary at Mecca. There, when repeating the Chapter of the
Star (Surah LIII.), when he had recited vv. 19 and 20, "Have ye not then seen Al-lat
and Al-'Uzza' and Manat the other the third?" he added—at the instigation of Satan,
as the Muslims confess,—the words, "These are the exalted beauties, and verily
their intercession may indeed be hoped for." But hardly had the Meccans accepted the
admission when Muhammad