the whole body of orthodox Muslim theology we do not find even the very slightest
approach to an acceptance of the doctrine that, as far at least as concerns the human
spirit and mind, GOD created Man in His own1 image. Of any kinship between GOD
and Man, of the very possibility of any genuine sympathy between the Creator and His
creatures, Muhammad had not the least idea. Tennyson2 grandly sings:—
"Speak to Him thou, for He hears, and spirit with spirit can meet:
Closer is He than breathing, and nearer than hands and feet:"
but few orthodox Muslims would accept the teaching of the latter portion of the first
line, though the Qur'an, in accordance with the second, asserts that GOD "is3
near to everything that hath
a being; nay, nearer to men than their jugular veins." Except what has been
revealed in the Qur'an and through His prophets, Man cannot know anything whatever of GOD.
His intentions dominant religion of fully one half of the entire continent, and is still
spreading there to a very