He does this in a variety of ways. One of his favorite ways to keep people from getting saved is by telling them lies.
One lie he likes people to believe is that they are good, so the Savior did not need to die for them. The truth of the
matter is that every member human race has sinned, All have sinned and come short of the glory of God, and each one is
on their way to a lost eternity an eternity that will be spent in the miserable company of the devil and his angels.
Not one person will ever enter into heaven with a blot of sin on them. Only the precious blood of the Lord Jesus shed on
the cross can wash those sins away. Have you believed on the Lord Jesus to have your sins forgiven?
Another tactic he uses is to get people believing that they can do good deeds to earn their way into heaven. He might
convince them that all they need do is pray five times a day, give alms to the poor, recite a certain creed, or some
such thing. The problem with this is we are told in the Bible that we can never enter into heaven by good works. Not by
works of righteousness which we have done but through his mercy he saved us. He wants us to get saved first. Once we
are saved the Bible instructs us that we should be zealous of good works. Gods way is for sinners to get saved by grace
first, and afterwards do good works. Satans order is for men to try to do good works so that they might be saved. This
keeps them from coming to the Savior by faith and keeps them helplessly in Satans power. Doing good works to get saved
is like when Wayne climbed the tree to escape the mountain lion only to have the tree lean way over and leave him more
helpless than ever before.
Are you one trying to earn Gods favor by good works? You will never successfully do it. God is too rich to sell
salvation, and we are too poor to buy it. So, He gives it as a gift. The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus
Christ. You can receive this salvation through believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. Once you believe on the Lord Jesus
Christ, your souls salvation will be out of reach of Satan forever.