Katrina: Who is to Blame?

Katrina: Who is to Blame?

When Katrinas storm surge broke through the levee and flooded New Orleans devastating the city, who was to blame?

1) The engineers who designed the levee?
2) The public officials who permitted the city to be built on land that was below sea level?
3) The individuals who constructed their homes, businesses, and dreams on land that was prone to massive flooding?
4) The federal government for not protecting the city against a level 5 hurricane?
5) The local government for not ordering a general evacuation earlier?

Blame is a heavy load to carry, and apparently, many could be blamed for the devastation that occurred in New Orleans. It is a human trait to want to blame others as much as possible in deep hardships. The question of blame for the destruction may not have a simple solution. Here is another question that is far more important to you than any question could ever be concerning Katrina. When a soul dies and has never turned to God in repentance, who is to blame for the misery the person will endure for all eternity? Does it make any sense to blame one of the following?

1) Education systems that exclude the concept of a Creator God?
2) Families that fail to impress on young minds that every human being is ultimately responsible to God for their actions?
3) A culture permeated by an atheistic worldview?

Katrina: Who is to Blame?


4) The giant entertainment industry keeps minds so absorbed that people avoid serious thoughts about eternity?

These things are sadly true but the responsibility to receive Christ as Savior rests forever with each soul. Even though all these things are stacked against it, God has given a clear and plentiful witness that Jesus Christ is the Savior men, women and children need. From glory, he came to be born as a man on the earth. During his life, he clearly fulfilled distinct, remarkable, and innumerable Old Testament prophecies. His teachings were with words of matchless love, grace, and power. God confirmed the message of the Lord Jesus through the miracles he performed. Of all men who ever lived, his words alone perfectly matched his deeds and life. After three and a half years of ministering to the needs of those around him, he let himself be taken, and nailed to the cross. His sacrifice is the greatest act of love the world will ever know. He arose from the grave a victor over its dark domain. He is now seated at Gods right hand in heaven. He will be coming back, but before he does, during the time of his absence, he is calling souls from this sinful world to believe on him and receive the gift of eternal life.

Man nailed the Lord Jesus Christ to a cross of shame. They meant to get rid of him. But God exalted him to the highest place in heaven. His name is now far higher than any other. He is the One that sinners must look to if they ever hope to be saved and make it into heaven. Look unto me, and be ye saved all the ends of the earth: for I am God and there is none other. (Is. 45.22) And he is the one who brings life to the world, In him was life; and the life was the light of men. (Jn. 1.4) And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. (Jn. 10 .28) Sinners are completely without any excuse if they refuse to come to him. The word responsible means able to respond. Every member of the human race is able to respond to his love. If they choose to never do so, they alone will bear the blame and consequence of their decision forever.

All of heaven will be full of praise along the strains of Blessing, and honor, and glory, and power be unto him who sits on the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever. (Rev. 5.13) However, there will not be any songs of praise in hell. Instead of praise, there will be gnashing of teeth in anger. Therefore, in this life, before it is forever too late, come to the One who loves you and gave his life to save you. Verily, Verily I say unto you, he that believeth on me hath everlasting life. (Jn.6.47)