lxxx Glossary
Tawaf Al-Ifada : The circumambulation of the Ka'ba by the pilgrims after they come from Mina on the tenth day of Dhul-Hijjah. This Tawaf is one of the essential ceremonies (Rukn) of Hajj.
Tayammum : To put or strike lightly the hands over clean earth and then pass the palm of each on the back of the other, blow off the dust and then pass them on the face. This is performed instead of ablution when water is not available.
Tauhid (Monotheism) : Is of four aspects:

(A) Unity of Lordship; "Tauhid-al-Rububiya": To believe that there is only one Lord for all the universe and that is Allah.
(B) Unity of Worship: "Tauhid-al-uluhiya": To believe that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah.
(C) Unity of the Names and the Qualities of Allah; "Tauhid-al-Asma' was,-Sifat: To believe that:

(i) we must not name or qualify Allah except with what He or His Apostle has named or qualified Him; 
(ii) none can be named or qualified with the names or qualifications of Allah; e.g. "Al-Karim" 
(iii) we must confirm all Allah's qualifications which Allah has stated in His Book (Qur'an) or mentioned through His Apostle (Muhammad) without twisting the meanings or giving resemblance to any of the created things.

These three aspects of Tauhid are included in the meaning of "None has the right to be worshipped but Allah."
(D) Unity of following All'ah's Apostle Muhammad Tauhid Al-Itaba: This is included in the meaning "I testify that Muhammad is Allah's Apostle" and that means "None has the right to be followed after Allah's Book (Qur'an) but Allah's Apostle "
Thaniyat Al-Wadi : A place at Medina.
Tubban : Shirts that cover the knees.
Uqiya : 38 2/3 grams
'Ushr : One tenth of the yield of land to be levied for public assistance (See Hadith No. 560 Vol. II)
Wala : A kind of relationship between the master who freed a slave and the freed slave.
Walima : The marriage banquet party.
Wars : A kind of perfume.
Wasaq : Singular of Awsaq.