be not extravagant in your religion, and do not say
concerning God other than the truth. Truly the Messiah,
Jesus, Son of Mary, is the Apostle of God and His Word
which He cast into Mary, and a Spirit from Him. Therefore
believe ye in God and His apostle, and say not ‘Three.’
Cease! it is well for you! Truly God is One God. Far
be it from Him that He should have a Son. To Him belongs
whatever is in the Heavens and whatever is it, the Earth:
and it sufficeth with God as a guardian."
Surah V., Al Maidah, 77: "They have indeed blasphemed
who have said, ‘Verily God is the Third of Three’; and
there is no God but one God; and if they cease not from
what they say, there shall surely touch those of them
who have blasphemed a severe punishment."
These verses are explained by the commentators Jalalu'ddin
and Yahya' as being the answer to the statement which
Muhammad heard certain Christians make that there are
three Gods, that is to say God the Father, Mary, and
Jesus. It is perfectly plain from these verses that
Muhammad really did believe that the Christian doctrine
inculcated belief in three separate Divine Persons,
Jesus and Mary being two of them. But our third quotation
implies that Muhammad — probably from what he had seen
of "Christian" worship — thought that the
order was Jesus, Mary, God, or Mary, Jesus, God. No
reasonable man will wonder at the indignation |