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phets "the Ambassador of Light," which
he identified with the Deity. He was less fortunate
than Muhammad, however, since he was impaled by the
command of Bahram I, of Persia, about 276 A.D. .
Finally, he produced a book, called Artang
by Oriental
writers, which he said had been sent down to him from
heaven and contained the final revelation to men. His
denial of Christ's sufferings originated in his acceptance
of the Gnostic idea of the essential evil of all matter,
and this made him deny that the true Jesus had a human
body. In this respect he followed Basilides more logically
than did Muhammad, as we have already seen.
8. Creation of Adam and his being
worshipped by the Angels.
In Surah III., Al 'Imran, 52, we read:—
"Verily the likeness of Jesus, according to God,
is as the likeness of Adam;" and of the latter
it is then added: "He created him out of earth;
then He said to him, ‘Be’; therefore he comes into being
With regard to the creation of Adam out of the |
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soil, Tradition tells us that when God Most High
wished to create him, He sent one after another of the
Archangels to take and bring Him a handful of earth.
The Earth, knowing that many of Adam's descendants would
be condemned to hell fire, adjured each of these messengers
not to take away any portion of her substance. Hence
they all except the last, 'Azrail, returned empty-handed.
'Azrail, however, took a handful of earth in spite of
this adjuration, some say from the spot upon which the
Ka'bah was afterwards built, others from the whole surface
of the earth. He brought it to God ,
saying, "O God, Thou knowest: lo! I have brought
it." Abu'l Fida, on the authority of Kamil ibn
Athir, says, "The Prophet of God said, ‘Verily
God Most High created Adam from a handful which He took
from the whole of the Earth, ... and truly he was called
Adam because he was created from the surface (adim)
of the Earth.’"
This Tradition is interesting because it affords another
instance of how much Islam is indebted to heretical
ideas. The whole fable is borrowed from Marcion, as
we learn from a quotation from one of the latter's writings
which is given in Ezniq the Armenian's work entitled
The Refutation of Heresies. In speaking of this
heresiarch of the second century, Ezniq quotes
the following passage as containing some of his peculiar
views, "And |