But if it be so, we find that the Muslim legend of
Muhammad's ascent, like so many other legends
about Muhammad, has been invented, on the model of other
accounts like that contained in the Arta Viraf Namak,
with the object of making it appear that he was in certain
respects similar, though superior, to Christ and the
other prophets who preceded him.
2. The Muhammadan Paradise with
its Huris.
With these we may couple the Ghilman, the Jinns,
the Angel of Death; and the Dharratu'l Kainat.
As examples of the descriptions which the Qur'an gives
of Paradise, we may quote the following passages :—
Surah LV., Ar Rahman, 46 sqq.: "And for him who
feareth the tribunal of his Lord there are two gardens,
dowered with branches. In each of them two fountains
flow. In each of them there are of every fruit two kinds.
They recline upon couches of which the inner lining
is of brocade; and the fruit of the two gardens hangs
low. In them are [maidens] restraining their glances,
whom neither man nor demon hath approached before them.
They are as it were rubies and pearls. Is the recompense
for kindness other than kindness?