The divine power manifests itself directly through them, exactly as it is represented as doing in the writings of the Old Testament; but the divine power or activity and the forces of nature are never confused.

While, as we have already stated, the Qur'an teaches that God cannot be comprehended by the mind of man, it also clearly states that man may know God.

It is sufficient here to refer to the following verse: 'He is the first [better, the First] and the last [better, the Last]; the Seen (Az-Zahir) and the Hidden (Al-Batin); and He knoweth all things.' 1

The meaning of the expression, 'the Seen and the Hidden', is very far from being that which the Sufis attribute to the words. The words as uttered by Muhammad contain no esoteric teaching, but mean simply that God is one who manifests Himself and yet, at the same time, remains concealed. God is known in and through His works, His dealings with man, His revelation of Himself, His character and qualities as shown in these works and dealings and revelation, but yet remains unknown and unknowable in His Essential Being. He is the Self-revealer (Az-Zahir) and the Hider (Al-Batin).

God is Eternal, the Self-subsisting One, who has life in Himself, and in and through whom all things subsist and consist. 'God! there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal.' 2 God! there is no god but He; the Living, the Eternal.' 3 ' And humble shall be their faces before Him that Liveth, the Self-subsisting.' 4

1 Suratu'l-Hadid (lvii) 3.      3 Suratu'l-Baqara (ii) 256.

2 Suratu Ali 'Imran (iii) 1.    4Suratu Ta Ha (xx) 110.

He never came into being or at any time began to be self-conscious, but has always been, and will ever continue to be; for He is the First and the Last (lvii. 3). All that He has created shall pass away, but He Himself endureth, for He is the Living One, who never dieth. What He is, He always was, and what He has ever been, He always will be. 'All on earth shall pass away, But the Face of thy Lord shall abide resplendent with majesty and glory.' 1 ' And call not on any other god with God. There is no god but He! Everything shall perish except Himself (literally, His Face). 2

He has a personal existence apart from the world which He has created, which exists only in and through Him, while yet it remains distinct from Him, the work of His hands, not the self-manifestation of His Being.

We have already said that Muhammad's aim and object in appealing to the signs of the existence of God which are to be seen on every hand, was not so much to prove that He is, as to assert that He is One.

In expounding his teaching on this point he argued against two totally different views. On the one hand, he took his stand against the polytheism of the pagan

1 Suratu'r-Rahman (lv) 26-7.
2 Suratu'l-Qasas (xxviii) 88; cf. Razi (Al-Matba'at al-'Amirat ash-Sharafiyyat, Cairo, A.H. 1308) vi, 561, where commenting on xxx. 29, he says
عبد عن الذات بالوجه كما قال تعالى كل شئ هالك الا وجهه
[عـبّر عن الذات بالوجه، كما قال تعالى: " كلّ شىء هالك إلا وجهه"]
'And he expressed "the being" by "the face", as (God) may, He be exalted, said, "Everything shalll perish except His face". See also page 500.