'Aye, but ye love the transitory, and ye neglect the life to come.' 1 'And ye love riches with exceeding love.' 2 'Ye shall never attain to goodness till ye give alms of that which ye love.' 3

Even in those passages in which the object of love is a person, we still are far seeing that true affection of the soul which we are accustomed to associate with the word love. ' I (Saleh) did indeed announce to you the message of my Lord: and I gave you faithful counsel, but ye love not faithful counsellors.' 4 'They of Madina who had been in possession of their abodes, and embraced the faith before them, cherish (yuhibbuna) those who take refuge with them; and they find not in their breasts any desire for what hath fallen to their share they prefer them before themselves, though poverty be their own lot. And with such as are preserved from their covetousness shall it be well.' 5

There is one phrase which is used at times to express the motive from which certain actions are performed. It is 'from love of Him' (ala hubbihi). But even here it is difficult to be sure that anything more is meant than 'for His approbation'. The phrase does not mean what we should understand in English by the same expression. It means 'for His love' — love being here that sentiment or feeling which He will have for those who do these actions, and the expression is best translated 'from desire to win His approbation'.

1 Suratu'l-Qiyamat (Ixxv) 20-21; cf. lxxvi. 27; xiv. 3.
2 Suratu'l-Fajr (lxxxix) 21; cf. c. 8.      3 Suratu Ali 'Imran (iii) 86.
4 Suratu'l-A'raf (vii) 77. 5 Suratu'l-Hashr (lix) 9.

When we come to consider those expressions in which the Qur'an speaks of God's love, or states that He loves or does not love, we are confirmed in the opinion already expressed that in the Qur'an 'love' refers to the divine approbation rather than to that which in the Christian sense we call God's love. Even in the following verse what is spoken of is that benevolent approbation which is the reward of those who put their trust in Him. 'Of the mercy of God thou hast spoken to them in gentle terms. Hadst thou been severe and harsh-hearted, they would have broken away from thee. Therefore, forgive and ask for pardon for them, and consult them in the affair of war, and when thou art resolved, then put thy trust in God, for God loveth those who put their trust in Him.' 1

God's love is not something which goes out to the sinful and the erring. To such He is kind, gracious, forgiving; but His love is reserved solely for the believers who do that which is good, the repentant and pure ceremonially, the pious who fear Him, the patient, the just. 2

Very many of the verses which speak of God's love are negative, declaring that God does not love those who act in such and such a way, and implying by contrast that He does love those who act in the opposite way. If there were but one or two expressions which declared plainly the love of God for mankind in general, irrespective of their ethical and moral qualities, we might be

1 Suratu Ali 'Imran (iii) 153.
Cf. iii. 29: ii. 277; xxx. 44; ii. 191; iii. 128; iii. 141; v. 16; v. 94; iii. 70; iii. 140; ix. 4, 7; v. 46; lx. 8.