

None has the right to be worshipped but Allah 
and Muhammad is His Apostle.

We have noticed that most of the Europeans and others, who embrace Islam do not understand the reality of the meaning of the first fundamental basic principle of Islam i.e. "None has the right to be worshipped but Allah and Muhammad is the Apostle of Allah." So I consider it essential to explain something of the meaning of this Great Sentence (i.e. Principle) in some detail.

"None has the right to be worshipped but Allah . . . and Muhammad is the Apostle of Allah" has three aspects A, B and C.

A. It is that you have to pledge a covenant with (Allah) the Creator of the Heavens and Earth, the Ruler of all the worlds, the Lord of Majesty and Highness, on four points (or conditions):

Point I. A confession with your heart that the Creator (of every thing) is Allah, it is that you have to say: "I testify that the Creator of all the universe including the stars, the planets, the suns, the moons, the heavens, the earth with all its known and unknown forms of life, is Allah. He is the Organizer and Planner of all its affairs. It is He Who gives life and death, and He (i.e. Allah Alone) is the Sustainer, and the Giver of Security." And this is called (your confession for the) "Unity of Lordship."

Point II. A confession with your heart that you have to say: "I testify that None has the right to be worshipped but You (i.e. Allah) Alone. You have no partners besides You. The word "Worship" (i.e. `Aebadah) carries a great number of meanings in the Arabic Language: it conveys that all kinds of worship are meant for Allah (and none else, whether it be an angel, apostle, prophet, Jesus, son of Mary, Ezra and Muhammad, saint, idol, the sun, the moon and all other kinds of false things and deities). So pray to none but Allah, invoke none but Allah, ask for help from none (unseen) but Allah, swear by none but Allah, slaughter a sacrifice for none but Allah . . etc. In other words all what Allah and His Apostle order you to do (in His Book The Qur'an and in the tradition of the Prophet ) you must do, and all what He and His Apostle forbid you, you must not do, is called "Worship". And this is called (your confession for the) "Unity of Worship." And that is you, (mankind), worship None but Allah.

Point III. A confession with your heart that you have to say: "O Allah! I testify that all the best of names and the most perfect qualities with which You have qualified Yourself in Your Book (i.e. the Qur'an) or as Your Prophet (Muhammad has qualified You; with his statement, "I confirm that all those (names and qualifications) are for You without changing their meanings or neglecting them completely or giving resemblance to others," As Allah said: