xxxvi JIHAD

(noise) of nationalism and for false-forged Slogans. Whenever the Apostle appointed a Chief-Commander for an army unit, he used to advise him specially to be afraid and dutiful to Allah, and to be good to those Muslims who were accompanying him. He then used to say (to that Commander): "Invade in the name of Allah and for the cause of Allah and kill those who disbelieve in Allah. Invade and do not press heavily by exceeding the limits, and do not betray, and do not kill children . . .)" And he (the Prophet ) used to say to his companions when they intended invasion: "Proceed in the name of Allah and for Allah and upon the Religion of Allah's Apostle: Do not kill a very old man or a child or a woman and do not press heavily by exceeding the limits. Collect the (War) booty, reconcile, and do good as Allah loves the good-doers."

For that, the Apostle and those who believed with him were tried with pleasant trials (Martyrdom or mighty reward) to make victorious this religion (Islam) and to invite others for it (Islam). So Allah assisted them with victory and sent down upon them tranquility and helped them with angels and united their hearts and casted terror into the hearts of their enemies . . .

So fight in the cause of Allah (for) Islamic Faith (worshipping none but Allah Alone) and sincerely (for Allah's sake) and to make victorious Allah's Religion till it becomes superior over all religions, and mankind is brought out, (1) from the darkness into the light, (2) from the worshipping of the slaves (created false gods) to the worshipping of Allah Alone (the only true God), (3) from the distress of the world to its wideness (ease) and (4) from the injustices of the religions to the justice of Islam. They knew well that Allah has guaranteed them victory and promised them that they will be the Conquerors. So they were sure of Allah's support, and of His Apostle's promise and considered the matter easy with a small or great (number) and thought little of the fears and dangers. They remembered the statement of Allah: "If Allah helps you, none can overcome you . . . " (3:160). And that they are troops of Allah, and that they are fighting in Allah's cause, and surely Allah will help and support them and will defeat their enemies, as their enemies fight for the cause of Satan.

Here is the example of `Umar Ibn AI-Khattab, as he consulted his companions regarding sending troops to Iraq (for the Battle of Nahawand). 'All Ibn Abi Talib said to him ('Umar): "O Chief of the believers! This matter cannot be "victory or defeat" because of a great number, or a small number but it is His (Allah's) Religion which He has made superior and His troops which He has honoured and supported (them) with the angels till it reached (far) what it has reached. So we have been promised (victory) by Allah, and Allah fulfills His promise and supports His troops."

And here is the example of Khalid Ibn Walid as he came from Iraq, a man from the Arab Christians said to Khalid: "How great is the number of Romans and how small is the number of Muslims?" Khalid said to him: "Woe to you! Do you make me