subduing fresh nations to the faith. Not merely has the tide of Muhammadan political conquest ceased to advance; it has for long been steadily receding, as the page of history amply shows, leaving some of the noblest countries, once owning the Muslim sway, as, e.g. Spain, the whole of the North African coast, almost all the European provinces of Turkey, Greece, India, etc. under the dominion of Christian Governments. Moreover, it is well known, and the confession is often heard from the mouths of Muhammadans themselves, that hundreds and thousands who bear the name, especially amongst the great, the educated, and the rich, have intellectually lost all faith in Islam, and either lean towards Christianity, or have become the pitiable prey of utter atheism.

But if we turn to those who still honestly believe in the Qur'an—and their number is not small—what proofs do they afford, by their lives and acts, that their religion is more divine, or produces more holiness, righteousness, and charity among men, than any other? What can the Muslims show at all coming up to the fruits of the Christian religion, as seen in so many thousands of hospitals for all kinds of diseases, so many excellent schools for the young of both sexes and every grade of life, not even excepting the blind, the deaf and dumb; while for the poor who cannot work, shelter, food, and clothing are legally provided, both in towns and villages; not to speak


of vast numbers of voluntary societies for mutual aid and support among the working classes, and the equally numerous associations gathered from the higher for visiting the poor, the sick, and dying with words of comfort, or the ungodly and careless with needful advice or warning?

If Islam is now the only true religion, and the only one to enjoy the approval and blessing of God, how is it that it does not spread in Christian lands? How is it that the true Muslims have not love and zeal enough to send millions of Qur'ans, with thousands of Imams, Khojahs, and 'Ulamas, to all Christian countries, to make known their religion? If Christianity is no longer true, and no longer enjoys God's blessing, why is it not thereby rendered unfruitful? Why does it still spread in every part of the world, amongst idolaters, Jews, and Muslims, so that at this moment the new converts can be counted by hundreds of thousands?

The facts already mentioned, and a number more that might be named, rather seem to indicate, with unmistakable clearness, that though Christianity is six hundred years older than Islam, the former is still in the vigorous health and matured power of manhood, and the latter, for some time past, stricken with the languor and infirmities of old age.