4. Description of the different stages of a ceremonial ablution (wudu).
5. On cleansing from excrement and its ritual generally.
6. The five things which require a fresh wudu.
7. The six things which require a complete ablution of the whole body (ghusl) and its ritual.
8. The seventeen occasions on which a ghusl is prescribed.
9. When it is allowable to wash the inner shoes (khuffs) instead of the feet.
10. The conditions and ritual for the use of sand (tayammum) instead of water.
11. On uncleannesses (najasat) and how and how far they can be removed.
12. On ailments of women; duration of pregnancy and their conditions.

Book II. Of Prayer

1. The times of prayer (salat).
2. Upon whom prayer is incumbent, and
3. On what occasions.
4. The antecedent requirements of prayer.
5. The eighteen essential parts of prayer.
6. The four things in which the prayer of a woman differs from that of a man.
7. The eleven things which nullify prayer.
8. A reckoning of the occurrences of certain frequently repeated elements in prayer.
9. On omissions in prayer.
10. The five occasions on which prayer is not allowable.
11. The duty and ritual of congregational prayer.
12. The prayer of a traveller.
13. The conditions under which congregational prayer is required and those under which it is lawful.
14. The requirements in congregational prayer.
15. The prayers of the Two Festivals and their ritual.
16. The prayers on occasion of an eclipse.
17. Prayer for rain.



18. Prayer in presence of the enemy.
19. What is forbidden of clothing.
20. The ritual of the dead.

Book III. Of Rates for the Poor, etc.

1. The condition of the rate (zakat) and of the rate-payer; what it is levied on and consists of.
2. On camels.
3. On cattle.
4. On sheep.
5. How it affects partners.
6. On gold and silver.
7. On grain-stuff.
8. On merchandise.
9. The conditions and nature of the rate to be paid at the end of the fast.
|10. Uses to which the rate may be applied.

Book IV. Of the Fast

1. The conditions for the fast (siyam); its description; what breaks it.
2. What is meritorious in fasting; when and for whom it is forbidden; how breaking the fast must be expiated.
3. The conditions and nature of religious retreat (i'tikaf).

Book V. Of the Pilgrimage

1. The conditions of pilgrimaging (hajj); its essentials and other elements.
2. The ten things forbidden on pilgrimage.
3. The five sacrifices of the pilgrimage.

Book VI. Of Barter and Other Business Transactions

1. Conditions and kinds of barter (bay); what may be bartered and what not.
2. Description and conditions of the bargain with payment in advance (salam).