Spirit, perfect Man in soul and body without sin. Mary remained a virgin after she gave Him birth. If the Christ had not been God of God and Light Mary would not have remained a virgin after she had given Him birth; but she gave birth to the Light of God and His Word, mercy and guidance and salvation to His creatures. He saved Adam and his race from the error of Satan. He raised up Adam from his stumbling and healed his wound and repaired his affliction and mended his rupture and liberated him and his race from the hands of Satan. He put an end to his darkness and wandering and broke off our hearts from the service of the Devil. He crucified sin by His cross, and by His death killed the Death

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which Adam had inherited by disobedience. He brought to light the Resurrection, He raised up truth and righteousness and guidance by His mercy and His favour towards men, and towards the creatures of God. His light is among men, and shews them His majesty. He taught them to worship God and His Word and His Spirit, one God and one Lord. He taught that the Christ did not come down from Heaven for His own salvation, for verily the Word and the Spirit were with God from all eternity, and the angels adored God and His Word and His Spirit, one Lord who makes all holy, but He came down a mercy and a salvation to Adam and his race from Satan and his error. The throne is not divided with God. The God of God was in Heaven ordering things and shewing mercy to His creatures as He willed. And the Christ wrought signs, the work of a God, that men might know from His work that He is God of God and Light. Thus the Christ said to the children of Israel, "If ye believe not in Me, believe in My work which I do." The Christ created, and no one creates but God. You will find in the Coran, "And he spake and created from clay like the form of a bird, and breathed into it, and lo! it was a bird by permission of God." He forgave trespasses, and who forgives trespasses but God? He satisfied the hungry, and no one does that nor

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provides food but God. You will find all this about the Christ in your Book; He gave the Apostles the Holy Ghost, and gave them