children of Israel, till the house was filled, and no one could enter the house for the crowd of people, and another palsied man was carried to Him on his couch. They wished to bring him in to the Christ, and they could not for the

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crowd of men. He was carried, and they brought him up by the back of the house, then they uncovered the roof and let him down upon his couch till he was laid before the Christ; and around him were the priests of the Jews and the people. The Christ said to him, "Thy sins are forgiven thee." The priests and they that were round Him said, "Who can forgive sins but God only?" The Christ said unto them, "O company of priests, which is it easier for Me to say, Thy sins are forgiven thee, or to say, O thou palsied man, rise, carry thy bed, and go to thy house?" The palsied man rose before them, carried his bed, and went off to his people as the Christ commanded him. None of them could answer Him a word. The Christ shewed them by the sign which He did to the palsied man that He had authority to forgive trespasses, and none forgives trespasses but God. Verily all the works of the Christ were with authority and power. Then the Christ passed by also, and the disciples with Him, and a number of the children of Israel, and behold upon the way was a beggar man who was born

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blind. The disciples asked the Christ, "O Lord, who did sin, this (man) or his parents, that he was born blind?" The Christ said to them, "This man hath not sinned, nor have his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be made manifest in him." The Christ called him, spat upon the ground, made clay, and anointed the eyes of the blind man with it, and He said, "Go to the fountain of Shiloah and wash in it, and, behold, thou shalt see." The blind man went off, and washed in the fountain of Shiloah, and returned seeing. The Jews said, "We never heard from (all) time of a blind man seeing before this," and a number of the children of Israel believed in Him. Then He met one who had been struck deaf and dumb; He laid His finger upon his ear, He spat upon his tongue and chased away that devil. It went out of him and he was made whole by the command of the Christ; he heard with his ears and spake with