of light to those who go and call on Thee." Let us ask God in His mercy to make us of those who follow the commands of the Christ and let us believe in Him as the prophets prophesied about Him and preached about Him. They said, "Your God will appear to you and will come to you in salvation and guidance and mercy, He is your God, the Most Merciful of the merciful." God said by the tongue of the prophet Habakkuk, him whom the Angel met when he was going with breakfast to his reapers. The Angel said to

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him, "Go with this thy breakfast to Daniel the prophet in the land of Babylon." Habakkuk said to him "[What is] the way? for Babylon is far from me." Then the Angel forthwith took him by his forelock till he put him immediately at the den into which the Persians had thrown Daniel among the lions. Then said the prophet Habakkuk to Daniel, "Rise and take the breakfast which God sends thee." They breakfasted together; then the Angel made Habakkuk go back to his land, which was Palestine. He prophesied by the Holy Ghost, saying, "God shall come from Teman, and the Holy One shall be shaded by the wooded mountain." This is the plain and healing prophecy, when God shewed by the tongues of His prophets from what place the Christ should come and from whom He should be born, when His Word and His light should appear to men. Verily Teman is Bethlehem, it is on the right hand of the Holy City. The shady wooded mountain is Mary the Holy,

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whom God the Holy Ghost overshadowed, and the power of God rested upon her, as the Archangel Gabriel said, when Mary said to him, "Whence shall I have a boy, when a man hath not touched me?" Gabriel said to her, "The Spirit of God shall come down upon thee, and the power of God shall rest upon thee." God agreed to the saying of His Prophet, and His Angel Gabriel when they say this saying about the Christ, and their saying is true. They shewed to men from what place He should come and from whom He should be born, and that God should come for the salvation and guidance of His creatures. Praise be to God who created us; let us receive and believe in the saying of His angels and prophets about the