know hidden secrets, and appear to the absent, and prophesy to them about what they should remember, and walk upon the sea like the dry land like a God, and He should satisfy from hunger, and He should heal all diseases and sicknesses with authority and power. All this the prophets had said about the Christ, that He should do these signs to men. By this we trust the Christ and believe in Him and follow Him, and we know that none works the works of the Christ save God. Praise be to God who hath helped us to this, and hath made us [to be] among the friends of the Christ, and hath saved us from error and the service of the devil, to His light and His mercy and His great bounty wherewith He abounded towards us. This was somewhat of

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what God's prophets prophesied about the Christ, the Word and the Light of God, when He should appear to men in His mercy and should save them and deliver them from the error of Satan to light and guidance. This is some of their prophecy. Nevertheless everything that the prophets prophesied about the Christ is greater than that any man should speak of it or should comprehend it. But have we loved to aim at that? In everything the aim is the best and most beautiful thing. If we wished to extract from the sayings of the prophets about the birth of the Christ, we are able by God's help for what we wish in that; this is our plea with God in the day of the resurrection before the Archangels and the former and the latter prophets; "We believe in Thee and Thy Word and Thy Holy Spirit, one God and one Lord as Thou hast brought [it] down and shewn [it] to men in Thy books: save

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us from the punishment of Gehenna, and in Thy mercy make us to enter with Thy Angels and Thy Saints and Thy Prophets, O God." This is the saying of God's prophets about the immersion of the Christ in baptism, which God commanded, and appointed in it for us the forgiveness of trespasses, and shewed about it by the tongues of His prophets. The Christ is a fortress in regard to it, and commanded us about it, saying, "Verily, verily, I say unto you that none shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven save he who is born of water and