3 Escher in a Reflecting Sphere

It is the nature of a spherical mirror that when you look into it, you will see yourself at the very center of it. And it is the nature of God that wherever you are, whatever you are doing, Gods attention is centered on you.

As his attention is focused on you, so also is his love. So that all men might know that greatness of his love, he sent his Son into the world. In his life the Lord Jesus glorified God by his unerring obedience which eventually led him to the cross. In his death he made a way that hell-deserving sinners might be saved. God commendeth his love towards us that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. (Rom 5.8) The same immense love that brought the Lord Jesus to the cross is in the world today seeking out sinners to bring them home to himself. The way to enter into Gods favor for time and eternity is open to all because the blood shed on Calvary has the power to wash away the repentant sinners every stain of sin. The blood of Jesus Christ Gods Son cleanseth us from all sin.

You can be sure if you were the only person ever to have lived, and you had gone astray in sin, the blessed Savior would have come to earth to die for you. He would not have passed you by, but would have given his life to save you. As an individual, you have more intrinsic worth than all the kingdoms, governments, and other institutions of this earth. They are but things of time which will shortly perish, while your soul shall continue for all eternity.

Escher in a Reflecting Sphere 4

Since he knows you so well, there is no sense trying to pretend that you are not a sinner. It is probably true that you have done many good things in your life like acts of kindness, keeping the law, paying your taxes on time, loving your family, or any other numberless acts that are praiseworthy, but nonetheless the truth is that at the same time you have done those worthwhile things your heart inside you was desperately wicked. The heart is deceitful and desperately wicked: who can know it? (Jer.17.9) The undeniable truth is you are far from perfect, you have committed sin, and are marked as a sinner in Gods sight. The God who sees all and knows all has said very clearly in his word, All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. (Rom3.23) As sinners he wants all men to repent and return to him. Godnow commandeth all men every where to repent.(Acts17:30)

Because we are sinners we all desperately need the Savior. Through his work on the cross the Lord Jesus has obtained the forgiveness of sins, and the gift of eternal life for all who turn to him in faith. Eternal life is found nowhere else but in him alone. Once you are saved, he wants you to learn of his love, and walk as his dear child. Make no mistake about it, you are at the center of Gods attention. This same God who knows all about you, wants you to come to Christ, and have your sins washed away that you might be his forever. Will you spurn his love and continue to live as if God were afar off, and Christ never died for you? Or will you return to the God loves you and gave his Son for you that you might have life? He that has the Son has life; and he that has not the Son of God has not life. (I John. 5.12)