lxix Glossary
'Asb : A kind of Yemeni cloth that is very coarse.
'Ashura' : The 10th of the month of Muharram (the first month in the Muslim calendar).
'Asr : Afternoon 'Asr prayer time.
'Aura : The part of the body which it is illegal to keep naked before others.
'Awali Al-Medina : Outskirts of Al-Medina at a distance of four or more miles.
Awaq : (Singular: Aquia); 5 Awaqs=22 Riyals "Fransa" (silver).
Awsaq : (Awsaq); plural of "Wasaq" which is a measure equal to 60 Sa's. 1 Sa'=3 kilograms (approx).
Ayat : Verses of the Holy Qur'an.
Azlam : Literally means "arrows". Here it means arrows used to seek good luck or a decision practiced by the 'Arabs of the Pre-Islamic Period of ignorance.
Badana : (Plural: Budn) a camel offered as a sacrifice.
Badr : A place about 150 k.m. to the South of Al-Medina where the first great battle in Islamic History took place between the early Muslims and the Infidels of Quraish.
(Al) Baida' : A place to the South of Al-Medina on the way to Mecca.
Baitul-Maqdis : 'Bait' literally means 'house'; a mosque is frequently called 'Baitullah' (the House of Allah). Baitul-Maqdis is the famous Mosque in Jerusalem which is regarded as the third greatest Mosque in the Islamic World; the first and the second being 'Al-Masjid Al-Haram at Mecca and the Mosque of the Prophet at Al-Medina respectively.
Baqi' : The cemetery of the people of Medina; many of the companions of the Prophet are buried in it.
Bint Labun : Two-year-old she-camel.
Bint Makhad : One-year-old she-camel.
Bu'ath : A place about two miles from Medina where a battle took place between the Ansari tribes of Al-Aus and Al-Khaz-raj before Islam.
Budn : Plural of Badana.
Burd : A black square narrow dress.
Burnus : A hooded cloak.
Burud : Sixteen Farsakhs.
Buthan : A valley in Medina.
(Ad) Dabur : Westerly wind.
(Ad-) Dajjal : Pseudo Messiah (Messiah-ad-dajjal) (See Hadith No. 649 & 650, Vol. IV)