lxxiv Glossary
(Al-) Juhfa : The Miqat of the people of Sha'm.
Jumu'a : Friday.
Junub : A person who is in a state of Janaba.
Ka'ba : A stone building in the Great Mosque at Mecca built by Prophet Abraham towards which Muslims turn their faces in prayers.
Khasafa : An Arabic verb meaning "eclipsed" used for a lunar eclipse: Al-Qamaru khasafa (The moon eclipsed).
Kasafat : An Arabic verb meaning "eclipsed" used for a solar eclipse. We say: Ash-Shamsu kasafat (The sun eclipsed).
Khaleel : This is superior than friend or beloved and is the one whose love is mixed with one's soul. The Prophet had only one Khaleel i.e. Allah but had many friends.
Khamisa : A black woolen square blanket with marks on it.
(Al-) Khandaq : The name of a battle between the early Muslims and the infidels in which the Muslims dug a 'Khandaq' (trench) round Al-Medina to prevent any advance by the enemies.
Khazir : A special type of dish prepared from barley flour and meat soup.
Khuff : Leather socks.
Khumra : A small mat just sufficient for the face and the hands (on prostrating during prayers).
Khumus : One-fifth of war booty given in Allah's cause etc. Ref: Qur'an 8:41.
Khutba : Sermon
Kufr : Disbelief including the refusal of anything of what the Prophet Muhammad brought.
Kunya : Agnomen (consisting of 'abu' or 'um' followed by the name of the son).
Kusuf : Solar eclipse.
La-ilaha Ill-Allah : None has the right to be worshipped but Allah.
Labbaika wa Sa`daika : I respond to your call; I am obedient to your orders.
Li'an : An oath which is taken by both the wife and the husband when he accuses his wife for committing illegal sexual intercourse. (Refer: Qur'an; Sura Noor; 24: 6, 7, 8, 9).
Limas : A sale in which deal is completed if the buyer touches a thing without seeing or checking it properly.