lxxv Glossary
(Al-) Lizam : The settlement of affairs. In the Hadith it refers to the battle of Badr which was the means of settling affairs between the Muslims and the Pagans.
Luqata : Article or thing (pouch or a purse tied with a string) found by somebody other than the owner who has lost it.
Mabrur : (Hajj) accepted by Allah for being perfectly performed according to the Prophet's Traditions.
Maghrib : Sunset.
(Al-) Mahassab : A valley outside Mecca called sometimes Khaif Bani Kinana.
Mahram : See Dhi-Mahram.
Mahr : Bridal money (given by the husband to the wife on marrying).
Makruh : Not approved of, undesirable from the point of view of religion, although not punishable.
(Al-) Manasi : A vast plateau on the outskirts of Medina.
Maqam lbrahim : The station (the stone) where Ibrahim stood while he and Isma'il were building the Ka'ba.
Ma'ras : A place nearer to Mina than Ash-Shajara.
Mashruba : Attic room.
Mathani : Oft repeated verses of The Qur'an, and that it is Sura-al-Fateha, recited repeatedly in the prayer.
Maula : It has many meanings. Some are: a manumitted slave, or a master or the Lord (Allah).
Mawaqit : Certain places specified by the Prophet for the people to assume Ihram at on their way to Mecca when intending to perform Oajj or 'Umra.
Mikhdab : A painted stone pot.
Mina : A place outside Mecca on the road to 'Arafat'. It is five miles away from Mecca and about ten miles from 'Arafat.
Miqat : Singular of Mawaqit.
Mi'raj : The Ascent of the Prophet to the Heavens. (See Hadith No. 345,Vol I and Hadith 227, Vol. V)
Mu'adh-dhin : A call maker who pronounces the Adhan loudly calling people to come and perform the prayer.
Mudd : A measure of two-thirds of a kilo-gramme.
Mufasal or Mufassalat : The Suras starting from 'Qaf' to the end of the Holy Qur'an, (i.e. from No. 50 to the end of Qur'an , 114)