lxxvi Glossary
Muhajir : Anyone of the early Muslims who had emigrated from any place to Medina in the life-time of the Prophet before the conquest of Mecca and also the one who quits all those things, Allah has forbidden.
Muhrim : One who assumes the state of Ihram for the purpose of performing Hajj or 'Umra'.
Muhrima : A female in the state of Ihram.
Mujahidin : Muslims fighting in holy wars.
Muqaiyar : A name of a pot in which alcoholic drinks used to be prepared.
Musalla : A praying place.
Muttaqin : Allah-fearing people (pious), who keep their duty to Allah.
Muzaffat : A name of a pot in which alcoholic drinks used to be prepared.
Muzdalifa : A place between 'Arafat and Mina where the pilgrims returning from 'Arafat spend a night between the ninth and tenth of Dhul-Hijja: after performing the Maghrib and 'Isha' prayers, there.
Nabidh : Water in which dates or grapes etc. are soaked and is not yet fermented.
Nadiha : A camel used for agricultural purposes.
Nafila or Nawafil : Optional practice of worship in contrast to obligatory (Farida).
(The Day of) Nafr : The 12th or 13th of Dhul-Hijja when the pilgrims leave Mina after performing all the ceremonies of Hajj at Arafat, Al-Muzdalifa and Mina.
Nahr : (Literal: slaughtering of the camels only and is done by cutting the carotid artery at the root of the neck); the day of Nahr is the tenth day of Dhul-Hijja, on which pilgrims slaughter their sacrifice.
Naqib : A person heading a group of six persons in an expedition.
Naqir : A name of a pot in which alcoholic drinks used to be prepared.
Nibadh : A kind of sale in which the deal is completed when the seller throws a thing towards the buyer giving him no opportunity to see, touch or check it. (See Hadith No. 354 & 355, Vol. I I I).
Nusuk : A sacrifice.
Qaba' : An outer garment with full-length sleeves.
Qadr : One of the odd last ten nights of the month of fasting (Ramadan). Allah describes it as better than one thousand ordinary nights and the one who worships Allah in it by praying Nafila and reciting the Holy Qur'an his reward will be great.
Qalib : A well.
Qarin : One who performs Hajj-al-Qiran.