lxxvii Glossary
(Qarn-al-Manzil) : The Miqat of the people of Najd. It is situated on the way from Ta'if to Mecca.
Qibla : The direction in which Muslims turn their faces in prayers. That direction is towards the Ka'ba at Mecca.
Qirat : A special weight, some times of a very great weight like Uhud Mountain.
Qiram : A thin marked woolen curtain.
(Hajj-al-) Qiran : Hajj performed along with 'Umra in the same state of Ihram; Hadi is to be brought by the pilgrim along with him and offered on performing this type of Hajj. (See Page 369, Vol I I.)
Qissi : A kind of clothes containing silk; some say it is called so because it is manufactured in Egypt at a place called Qiss.
Qiyam : The posture of standing in prayer.
Quba' : A place at the outskirts of Medina. The Prophet established a mosque there which bears the same name. A visit to that Mosque on Saturday forenoon and offering two Rakat at prayer is regarded as equal in reward to a performance of 'Umra according to the Prophet's saying.
Qunut : Invocation in the prayer.
Quraish : One of the greatest tribes in Arabia in the pre-Islamic period. The Prophet Muhammad belonged to that tribe which had great powers spiritually and financially both before and after Islam came.
(Al-) Rabada : A place in the desert three stages away from Medina.
Rahila : A she-camel used for riding. (literary means: a mount to ride).
Rak'a : The prayer of Muslims consists of Rak'at (sing. - Rak'a) which consists of one bowing and two prostrations.
Ramadan : The month of fasting. In this month the Holy Qur'an started to be revealed to our Prophet and in it occurs the Qadr Night and in it also the great decisive battle of Badr took place.
Ramal : Fast walking accompanied by the movements of the arms and legs to show one's physical strength. This is to be observed in the first three rounds of the Tawaf around the Ka'ba, and is to be done by the men only and not the women.
Rami : The throwing of Pebbles at the Jimar at Mina.
Riba (Usury) : Is of two kinds: (A) Riba Nasi'a: i.e. to take interest on lent money; (B) Riba Fadal: i.e. taking a superior thing of the same kind by giving more of the same thing of inferior quality; e.g.