one Muhammadan has two, three or four wives, there must be a corresponding number of others who cannot marry at all. Defenders of Islam might perhaps assert that the exigency of the case was met by the many victories God had given them over other nations. But in reply to this it must be observed that it does not follow from God's permitting the Muslims to conquer foreign nations, that He did so in order to enable them to fill their harems with female captives. Besides, although it is quite true that, in times past, hundreds of thousands of poor women have been carried into captivity, to become the slaves or wives of their Muslim conquerors, yet it is no less an undeniable fact, that the laws of God in history have so operated, that it has now become an impossibility for Muslim armies to capture and bring home thousands of unfortunate young creatures from conquered non-Muhammadan countries. This change in the political state of the world which Providence has brought about, shows as little intention in history as in nature to provide the Muhammadans with the number of wives allowed them by their religion. It may therefore be regarded as demonstrated by unquestionable facts that the manifest will of God and the Muhammadan laws are diametrically opposed to one another, as regards polygamy.

Divorce which, as we have already seen (p. 28), was only tolerated by the law of Moses, and positively


prohibited by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, is expressly sanctioned by the Qur'an of Muhammad. The title of the Suratu't-Talaq (lxv) is 'Divorce', as treating largely on this subject. There we read; 'O Prophet, when ye divorce women, divorce them at their special times; and reckon those times exactly, and fear God your Lord . . . As to such of your wives who have no hope of the recurrence of their times, if ye have doubts in regard to them, then reckon three months, and let the same be the term of those who have not yet had them. And as to those who are with child, their period shall be until they are delivered of their burden. God will make His command easy to him who feareth Him' (verses 1 and 4). In another Sura we find the following declaration, 'Ye may divorce your wives twice. Keep them honourably, or put them away with kindness. But it is not allowed you to appropriate to yourselves aught of what ye have given to them, unless both fear that they cannot keep within the bounds set up by God. And if ye fear that they cannot observe the ordinances of God, no blame shall attach to either of you for what the wife shall herself give for her redemption. And when you divorce your wives, and have waited the prescribed time, hinder them not from marrying their husbands, when they have agreed among themselves in an honourable way. This warning is for him among you who believeth in God and in the last day.