Kaaba and began to worship. And together with him a light came forth from me, by which I could see the houses of Bosra in Syria.

'Halima thus describes her first interview with her nursling: Abdu-l-Mottaleb took me to the house in which Amina, Mohammed's mother, was. I saw a beautiful and strong lady, from whose forehead, as it were, the new moon shone forth, and from whose visage brilliant stars were glittering. When Abdu-l-Mottaleb made known my state and name to Amina, she said, "Well and good, O Halima." Then she took me by the hand and brought me to the house in which Mohammed was. I saw Mohammed wrapt in white wool, which yielded a sweet fragrance, like musk; and he was sleeping, covered with green silk. When I uncovered his face and saw his fairness and beauty, I became enamoured. I put my hand upon his breast to awaken him. Then he smiled, and, on opening his eyes, a light beamed forth from them, reaching up to heaven. I took him up in my arms and pressed him to my bosom, to give him suck. When I put my right breast into his mouth, he sucked, but when I wanted to give him the left, he did not. Ibn Abbas remarks, "In this matter God inspired him with equity; for Halima's son was his partner, therefore, having regard to justice, he halved his wet-nurse's breasts with his foster-brother." Halima adds, After this I always nourished him from my right breast, and the left I gave to his foster-brother; and my own son did not wish for milk, except Mohammed had enough. When we returned to our tribe, the high and adorable God counted our beasts and flocks and possessions worthy of such countless blessings and unlimited favour that, in the same year, all our sheep had lambs and in their udders was abundance of milk; and the sheep of no one else in that tribe were blest like our own. Thereupon most other shepherds led their sheep to pasture with ours, and God bestowed a
blessing on them also, so that as long as Mohammed remained with our tribe, there were not wanting to it prosperity and blessings.

'Halima further said: God imparted to the hearts of those who saw Mohammed such a love towards him that they could not contain themselves. That Excellency also did not


wet or soil his bed-linen like other infants. Every time I wanted to wash and clean his blessed mouth from the milk, I found it already washed and cleaned by some one from the unseen world. When he was uncovered he became angry, and did not cease crying till he was covered again. When that noble one had begun to walk, and saw other children playing, he moved away from them, and, forbidding them their play, would say, "We have not been created in order to play." — There are some accounts to the effect that Mohammed grew in a day as much as other children in a month; and in a month as much as other children in a year; so that when he was in his second year, he had already the strength of a young man. — Halima says, He did not cry, nor was naughty like other children; and never took up a thing with his left hand, but whatever he ate, he seized with his right hand; and when he had begun to speak, he always said "In the name of God," as often as he stretched out his hand after anything; and for fear of him I did not let my husband come near me for two full years. One day that noble one was on my lap, whilst some sheep were walking about; and one of them approached this noble one, made a low bow before him, kissed his hand and then walked away again; and every day a light, like the sun, came down, enveloped him, and then let him come forth from it again; and every day two white birds or two men in white clothes went in by his collar and disappeared.

'Halima's account of the angelic purification of his heart is as follows: One day Mohammed expressed a wish to accompany his foster-brothers, who were tending the sheep, so that he might likewise be usefully employed. I, therefore, next morning combed his blessed hair, put ointment to his eyes, dressed him and hung a necklace of Yemen beads round his neck to prevent the effects of the evil eye. According to one account, that Excellency at once tore this necklace from his neck, and threw it away, saying, "My guardian and keeper is with me." Then Mohammed took a stick in his hand and joyfully went away with his foster-brothers; and they were engaged in tending the sheep somewhere near our dwelling. About mid-day I saw my son running in, dripping with perspiration, and calling out,