offspring is the last of the prophets: I have created thee in order that thou shouldest be a residuary portion of him." It is said that on that same day Adam was commanded by God to assume the surname of "Abu Mohammed" (i.e. father of Mohammed).1

'Another account is this, that the glorious God asked Adam, saying, "O Adam, knowest thou who he is whom thou hast taken for a mediator and intercessor with me, in order to obtain pardon of sins?" Adam gave this answer, "I know that he is thy chosen and loved one, and that the light which thou didst put on my forehead is his light; and from the words written upon the foot of the Throne, upon the Preserved Tablet, and upon the gates of Paradise, I know that this Mohammed is regarded by thee as the noblest and dearest of beings." Thereupon this glorious voice came, "O Adam, I have pardoned thee and condoned thy sins; and (I swear) by my own glory, (that) whoever of thy offspring takes him for a mediator and presents him to me as his intercessor, him I will pardon and his wants I will supply."' (Rawzat.)

(35.) They had the mission of Overcoming the Devil and Destroying his Works.

a. 'If I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you. Or else how can one enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man? and then he will spoil his house' (Matt. xii. 28, 29).
Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out' (John xii. 31). Compare Luke x. 17-20.
'For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil' (I John iii. 8).
'Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of

1 It is clear that the name 'Adam Abu Mohammed' requires for its correlative 'Mohammed Ibn Adam,' so that the appellation 'Son of Adam, or Son of Man,' by which the Lord Jesus so frequently called himself, is here, by implication, appropriated for Mohammed.

our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death' (Rev. xii. 10-12).

b. 'It is related that in the night of Mohammed's conception, when the light of Mohammed passed from Abd Allah (his father) to Amina (his mother), all the idols on the face of the earth were thrown down, and remained in that prostrate state for forty days and forty nights. At the end of these forty days and forty nights the angel in charge of the Devil's headquarters removed it down to the abyss of the sea. Then Satan became sad, crest-fallen, ashamed, burning with indignation and grief; and thus that cursed one walked about, uttering loud lamentations, till he reached the mountain Abu Kabis. Then all the evil spirits gathered around him, and said, "O our leader, what has happened to thee that thou makest such lamentations?" Satan answered, "You have become lost, in a manner as you have never been lost before." On their asking again, "How is this? what has happened?" he replied, "This woman, i.e. Amina, has conceived Mohammed, that glory of the visible and invisible world. Henceforth no one is to worship idols; for that Mohammed, being sent with a sharp sword, will change the false religions, destroy Lat and Ozza, break the idols, and will make fornication, wine, and gambling unlawful; and during his empire we shall be prevented from going up to heaven and listening; divining will cease from amongst men; and he will do what is just, speak what is true, and make an end of oppression; and his people will adorn the face of the earth with mosques as the sky is adorned with stars, so that wherever we may go in the world, we shall find God's praise and Unity openly proclaimed; and his people are to become a congregation, on whose account my Lord will have me stoned, and cursed, and driven from His court, and no part will henceforth remain to us in this world." The evil spirits answered thus, "O master, grieve not, for God has created seven categories of men, and they have riches and children; as we had our wish gratified by the former categories, so we shall surely also not be disappointed by these, but obtain a portion." Satan asked, "How can you obtain from them a