men from his tribe and embraced Islam. When Mohammed requested him to return home and destroy their idol forthwith, Jerir said, "O Apostle of God, the way is long; if I ride on a camel, I shall be late, and I cannot ride on horseback, for if I mount a horse, it throws me down." Jerir continues his narrative thus: "Then that prince laid his blessed hand on my breast, so that I saw the traces of his blessed fingers upon my breast, and said, 'O God, stablish him and make him a rightly guided guide.' Then I left that Excellency, and, by that God who sent him with truth, mounted an intractable horse, which at once became under me as gentle as a lamb, so that I speedily reached the idol-temple, demolished, and burned it. When this news reached his Excellency, he rejoiced, and prayed for a favour and blessing on Jerir's horse."

'Some one went to Moseilama, the false prophet who wished to be named Mohammed's successor, and asked him to bless his son, and to pray for him, on the ground that Mohammed did the same for the children of his companions. Moseilama then prayed for the boy, and stroked his head, when, lo, the boy's head turned bald; and every child to whom Moseilama was called to lay his hands on its head, or to put his fingers into its mouth, became bald-headed, and received a stammering tongue.' (R.)

(47.) By their mediation and benediction a small quantity of food miraculously sufficed to feed a large number of people.

a. 'Jesus took the loaves; and when he had given thanks, he distributed to the disciples, and the disciples to them that were set down; and likewise of the fishes as much as they would. When they were filled, he said to his disciples, Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost. Therefore they gathered them together, and filled twelve baskets with fragments of the five barley-loaves, which remained over and above unto them that had eaten' (John vi. 5-13).
'And he blessed, and commanded to set them also before them. So they did eat, and were filled: and they


took up of the broken meat that was left seven baskets. And they that had eaten were about four thousand (Mark viii. 1-9).

b. Ibn Ishak narrates: 'Said Ibn Mina told me that he heard Beshir Ibn Saad's daughter relate the following story: My mother Omra called me, and put a handful of dates into my dress, saying, "Go, take this breakfast to thy father and uncle." I went away with the dates, and on passing Mohammed, in seeking my father and uncle, he called me, and asked what I was carrying. I answered, "These are dates with which my mother has sent me to my father and uncle." He said, "Give them to me;" and when I put them into his hands, they did not quite fill them. He then commanded a cloth to be spread, and threw the dates upon it, saying to a man who was standing there, "Call the men of the ditch 1 to breakfast." All the men of the ditch collected around him and ate of them, and they continued to multiply, so that when the people left, they were still falling down from the side of the cloth.

'Said Ibn Mina has also told me that Jabir Ibn Abd Allah narrated to him as follows: "When we were working together with Mohammed in digging the ditch, I had a lamb which was not very fat, and I said to myself, 'By Allah, we can prepare this lamb for the Apostle of God.' I requested my wife to prepare a little barley-flour and bake bread, whilst I killed the lamb and dressed it for Mohammed. In the evening, when he wanted to go home, I said to him, 'I have caused a lamb to be prepared for thee which we had in our house, and we have also baked barley-bread 2 for it. I shall be glad if thou wilt come home with me.' Mohammed consented, but caused a Caller to call out aloud, 'Follow the Apostle of God into the house of Jabir Ibn Abd Allah.' Then I thought, We are God's, and return to Him. However, Mohammed soon came with the people and sat down. We brought the food to him. He pronounced a blessing upon

1 The 'men of the ditch' were the people who, at Mohammed's command, fortified Medina by digging a ditch, in a comparatively short time, alongside its exposed part, on the occasion when an attack was expected from a Meccan army.
2 Compare the five 'barley-loaves' in John vi. 9.