people could only perform their services in the place appointed, and were not allowed to use earth instead of water.
10. That prince was sent unto all creatures. Noah's mission after the deluge was indeed also a general one to all men, but as regards its previous character, the Ulemas are divided in opinion, whether it extended to all men, or was restricted to a single nation. Even admitting that Noah's mission was one to all men, we have still to affirm that the mission of our own Prophet was both to men and spirits.
11. His appearance was the end of prophecy (or of the prophetic office). The second coming of Christ, at the end of time, is not opposed to this, because He is not to bring an abrogating Law, but to preach the Law of Mohammed, and to conform to it.
12. In his wars with unbelievers he was helped and strengthened, more than any other prophet before him, by hosts of angels.
13. God has made Mohammed a means of mercy for the inhabitants of the whole world.1 Some commentators explain that he is such by guiding the believers, by securing immunity for the insincere from being killed, and by delaying the punishment of the unbelievers.
14. Since the time of his mission the evil spirits (or Satans) have been kept away from heaven by shooting stars, which previously had not been the case.
15. The angel Asraphel several times came down to him which he had not done to any other prophet.
16. God, in His book, mentions the repentance and pardon of many prophets, and also their fall into what was unworthy of their character, e.g. of Adam, Noah, Jonas, David, and Moses, but respecting our own prophet God said, 'God will surely forgive thy sins, both the past and the future,' thus veiling what the sin itself was.
17. Whatever God gave to the previous prophets, He gave on account of their having asked for and desired it, but whatever He gave to that Excellency, He gave without being asked and solicited.

1 Mohammed is here invested with the character both of the 'mercy-seat' in Israel (Exod. xxv. 57-22) and of Jesus Christ, 'whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in His blood' (Rom. iii. 25).

18. God said concerning him, 'We have made thy mention exalted,' what the commentators explain to mean, that Mohammed is to be mentioned wherever God is mentioned, e.g. in the Creed, the Praises, etc.
19. In order to exalt his Excellency, God made his pure wives the mothers of the believers; i.e. He appointed them to be honoured and revered by the believers as their own mothers, so that it should be unlawful for them to marry them. It is said that this was done because Talha Ibn Abd Allah had said, 'When the Prophet has left the world, I shall marry Aisha.'
20. God declared the supererogatory prayers of Mohammed, performed sitting, to be of the same merit as those performed standing: whereas the supererogatory prayers performed by any one else in a sitting posture, have only half the merit of those performed standing.
21. That prince could see behind him, just as well as he could see before him. Some of the Ulemas affirm that this vision was a mental one; others, that it was ocular. The latter say, that Mohammed had two eyes between his shoulders, similar to the eyes of a needle, with which he could see behind, and that the clothes he wore did not prevent these eyes from seeing.
22. His Law has abrogated all other Laws, but will itself remain established till the day of the resurrection.
23. That prince's blessed body was so light-like that, when he walked against the sun, or the moon, it produced no shadow.
24. The glorious God made Mohammed His own dearly beloved friend. According to Ibn Abbas, Mohammed once said to his companions, 'You truly said, that Abraham was the friend, Moses the confidant, Jesus the spirit, and Adam the pure one, of God: but know, that I am the dearly beloved friend of God.'
25. That prince had revealed to himself the world and those that are in the world, from the time of Adam to the first blast of the last trumpet, so that he knew it all, and at times communicated some of the information to his friends.
26. God ennobled him in this world with His beauteous grace, as He had not done to any other creature.