THE political influence which the Persians exercised
over certain parts of the Arabian Peninsula and the
neighbouring countries in and before Muhammad's time
was very considerable; as we learn from Arabian and
Greek writers alike. Abu'l Fida, for example, informs
us that, early in the seventh century of the Christian
era, Khusrau (or, as the Arabs called him, Kisra') Anushiravan,
the great Persian conqueror, invaded the kingdom of
Hirah on the banks of the Euphrates, dethroned the king
Hirah, and placed upon the throne in his stead a creature
of his own, named Mundhir Mai's Sama. Not long afterwards
Anushiravan sent an army into Yaman, under a general
called Vahraz, to expel the Abyssinians who had taken
possession of the country, and to restore the Yamanite
prince Abu's Saif to the throne of his ancestors .
But the Persian force remained in the country, and its
general ultimately himself ascended the throne and handed
it down to his descendants .
Abu'l Fida tells us
that |
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the princes of the family of Mundhir who succeeded
him in Hirah, and ruled also over the Arabian 'Iraq,
were merely governors under the kings of Persia. He
says with reference to Yaman that four Abyssinian rulers
and eight Persian princes held sway there before it
acknowledged Muhammad's
sovereignty. But even earlier than Muhammad's time there
was much intercourse between the North-West and West
of Arabia and the Persian dominions. We are informed
that Naufal and Muttalab (who were the brothers of Muhammad's
great-grandfather), when they were the leading chiefs
of the Quraish, made a treaty with the Persians, by
which the merchants of Mecca were permitted to trade
with 'Iraq and Fars (the ancient Persia). In the year
606, or about that time, a party of merchants headed
by Abu Sufyan reached the Persian capital and were received
into the king's presence .
When Muhammad laid claim to the prophetic office in
612 A.D., the Persians had overrun and held possession
for a time of Syria, Palestine, and Asia Minor. At the
time of the Hijrah in A.D. 622, the Emperor Heraclius
had began to retrieve the fortunes of the Byzantine
Empire, and not long after the Persians were obliged
to sue for peace. |