that men may know that the angels adore God and His Word and His Spirit, one God
and one Lord. We worship Thee, our Lord and our God, in Thy Word and Thy Spirit.
Thou, O God, by Thy Word hast created the heavens and the earth and all that is
therein, and by the Holy Spirit Thou causest to live the hosts of angels; we
praise Thee, O God, and we adore Thee and we glorify Thee in Thy creative Word
and Thy holy lifegiving Spirit, one God and one Lord and one Creator. We do not
distinguish God from His Word and His Spirit. We worship no other god with God
in His Word and His Spirit. God shewed His power and His light in the Law and
the Prophets and the Psalms and the Gospel, that God and His Word and His Spirit
are one God and one Lord. We will shew this, if God will, in these books which
have come down to him who wishes intuition and perceives things and knows the
truth and opens his breast to believe in God and His Scriptures, as the Christ
said in the Gospel, "Search the Scriptures, and verily ye shall find
eternal life in them." And He said also, "To him that asks shall be
given, and he that seeks shall find, and to him that seeks an opening it shall
be opened." It is written also in the beginning of the Law, which God sent
down to His prophet Moses on Mount Sinai, "In the beginning God created the
heavens and the earth." Then he said, "The Spirit of God was upon the
waters." Then He said, by His Word, "Let there be light"; and
there was light. Then He said, "Let there be a firmament," and there
was a firmament, which is the lower heaven. Then He said, "Let the earth
bring forth the grass and the green herb and the tree with fruit and other
things, and let the earth bring forth the living soul of wild beasts, and
cattle, and lions, and creeping things," and it was so. Then He said,
"Let the waters bring forth every creeping thing that hath life, and every
fowl that flieth in the heavens of their kind and sex," and it was so. Then
He said, "Let us create man after our own image and likeness." So God
shewed in the beginning of the book which He sent down to His prophet Moses,
that God and His Word and His Spirit are one God, and that God, may He