authority over devils and over all sickness. No one gives the Holy Ghost but God, He who breathed into Adam, and lo! he was a man with a living soul. He went up to Heaven from whence He had come down, on the angels' wings. No one can do that but God, He who came down from Heaven upon Mount Sinai and talked with Moses and gave him the Law. He is in every place, that perfect Man!, nothing is awanting in Him. Then the Christ will come on the day of the Resurrection and will judge men by their deeds. He will cause the righteous to inherit the kingdom of Heaven, and continual life without interruption. The Christ is Mediator between us and God; [He is] God of God and [He is] Man. Men could not have looked towards God and lived. God willed mercy to His creatures and honour to them, and the Christ was between us and God, the God of God, and a Man, the judge of men by their deeds. Thus God was veiled in a Man without sin, and shewed us mercy in the Christ, and brought us near to Him. All this the Prophets of God have said, and they spoke of the Christ before He appeared to men. We will shew all this from their sayings and their writings and their gospel in the Christ as the Holy

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Ghost inspired them at the end of this our book if God will. But we will begin by one sign which we take from the sayings of the Christ. When He said to the Apostles as He went up to Heaven from the Mount of Olives1 and commanded them to disperse themselves in all the world and preach about the Kingdom of Heaven and repentance in His name, the Christ said to them, "I send you this day as sheep among wolves, but tarry ye in the Holy City2 until ye are clothed with power from Heaven. I go to where I was and I will send you the Paraclete, the Holy Ghost, the Righteous One whom men cannot look on, Him who will bring Me to your remembrance and everything of which I have spoken to you. He will speak in your mouths, and ye shall be led before kings of the earth and rulers. Be not at all troubled about what ye shall speak, for the Spirit whom I shall send unto you, He shall speak in your mouths." They

1 Cod. oil.   2 Literally house passim.