shall come down like rain upon the mown (grass], and as drops that drop upon the earth; righteousness shall dawn in His days, and abundance of peace so long as the moon appeareth. He shall reign also from the sea to the sea, and from the going out of the Rivers unto the ends of the earth. Wisdom shall fall down before Him, and His enemies shall lick the dust. All kings of the earth shall do Him homage; all nations shall serve Him, for He hath saved the needy from the tyrant, and the poor who hath no helper. His name is honoured among them, His name shall be blessed for ever; His name endures before the sun and before the moon throughout all ages." The Lord came down to us, and righteousness did not dawn to us men until the days of the Christ, nor good works nor abundance of peace by obedience to God and temperance in the world for evermore. He has reigned over the nations from the East to the West; we find no place in the world where the name of the Christ is not worshipped and honoured as the prophet said, "His name shall be honoured amongst them, the nations shall serve Him, and He is blessed for ever, He who brought blessing upon His friends. His name endures before the sun and before the moon, and before all things

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throughout all ages." About whom among men did God's prophets prophesy, or among the kings of the earth whose name is blessed among the nations, or whose name endures before the sun and before the moon, save the Christ the Word and the Light of God? If the Christ were not God of God, He did [not] come down to His creatures; but He was among them before that, and He appeared to them a mercy and guidance. Did not David the prophet exalt Him, and did he not speak about Him according to this word? It would not have been fitting that such a word should have been spoken to a man, or that he should have been exalted like a god. Yet David prophesied about the Christ, saying, "Verily God shall come down to His creatures, and shall lead them away from error, and righteousness shall dawn in their hearts and abundance of peace. The kings of the earth shall worship Him, and all the nations."