Did you know that, to escape hell and enter into heaven, we must have a
rags to riches transformation? Incredible as it sounds, it is true. Every
one of us, whether we are rich or poor in this worlds goods, must
experience such a change on a spiritual level in our lives.
Each person needs to realize that all their righteousness is as filthy
rags and accept the salvation that is so richly offered through the Lord
Jesus Christ.
We are all as unclean thing and all our righteousness is as filthy
rags, is the judgment God has passed on all mankind. In Gods sight we are
all sinners dressed in filthy rags, unfit to ever enter his presence. All
have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Not a single one of us
will ever make it into heaven in our natural state. God is holy and must
judge sin. One sin is enough to sink a sinner in hell for eternity. Dont be
fooled by taking sin lightly. It is the weightiest matter known to man.
Weighty enough to sink multitudes into hell if they fail to repent and
believe on the Lord Jesus.
To repent means to pass the same judgment on yourself that God has
already passed on you. In short it means to realize that you are unfit for
his presence and on the road to hell. It is only when one realizes their
lost and ruined condition that they will ever see their need of the Savior
who died on Calvary for them.
Look onto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God
and there is none else. When a sinner repents and looks to Christ for
salvation he will take away their filthy rags and give them the true riches
of his salvation.