Doctrine The purpose of the
'Gospel' section is to provide answers regarding the Injil of Jesus
Demons and Monotheism shows
that Shaitan and all the infernal demons believe in pure
monotheism and the oneness of Allah.
Disciplined by
by John F. Strombeck presents God's grace and love as the basis
and motivation for godly living.
Original Sin shows that no one will be
judged for Adam's sins at the Last Judgment. Only the
individual sins of each person are the basis of Allah's just and
holy judgment.
Way of Cain shows the similarity between
the religion of Muhammad and the ancient religion of Cain.
Safety, Certainty, and Enjoyment
presents the assurance of the Savior's eternal salvation.
So Great Salvation
by John F. Strombeck presents the greatness of salvation that is
by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ showing that salvation is by
grace alone apart from human works.
Такое Важное
Спасение by Дж. Ф. Стромбек. It is a translation of the
book entitled, So Great Salvation, by John F. Strombeck. It
presents the greatness of salvation that is by faith in the Lord
Jesus Christ showing that salvation is by grace alone apart from
human works.
The Way of the Seven Fold Secret
by I. Lillas Trotter
presents the gospel of God's grace contextualized for
Muslim Sufis.
Gospel Stories
Afraid of Strangers is a
story about Brennan Hawkins, an eleven year old boy, who was
rescued by a stranger.
An Agonizing Choice is a
story of a mother's agonizing choice while fleeing up a hill from
the on-coming tsunami.
Arctic Rescue is a
story about the need to be rescued.
Attitude Determines Altitude is a
story about the proper attitude to reach heaven.
A Baby Orca Is Missing is a
about the joy of the scientists when a missing baby orca whale
returns to its pod.
Ben Nevis is a story about
safety directions and the tallest mountain in Great Britain.
Blind Landing is a story about
a Russian airplane that crashed because the pilot had too much
self-confidence in his own capabilities.
Boat Overturned on Hood's
Canal is a story of one person who survived and another person
who drowned during a boat accident on Hood's Canal.
Close Encounter With A
Cougar tells a story about a man's encounter with a stalking
mountain lion.
Corporate Fraud
discusses accounting fraud and the need for integrity.
Dangling From a Drawbridge is a
story that tell the tail of a Florida woman who gets caught in the
middle of a Drawbridge as it begins to rise.
Demise of Galloping
Gertie tells the story of the collapse of the Tacoma Narrows
Diamond in the Sand tells a story about a
poor man's discovery of a 182 carat diamond.
M. C. Escher in a Reflecting Sphere
discusses the spiritual lessons of Esher's “Hand with a Reflecting Sphere”
Faint Call Over The Water is
about the rescue of two fishermen near Neah Bay.
Fifty Million in the Dark is
about blackout in Eastern Canada and the USA caused by electric
grid failure.
Freedom is Not Free
reminds us that freedom from sin costs the death of the Savior
upon Calvary's cross.
Glassy Surface of Lake Sutherland
tells about a plane crash on Lake Sutherland and how close two men were to losing there lives.
Graving Yard in Port Angeles An
ancient graveyard found in Port Angeles
should not be ignored much the same that the tomb of our savior Jesus Christ found
empty should not be ignored either.
Greatest Artist Ever
tells us who the greatest Artist really is.
Grief over the Tsunami
warn us of an eternal hell that awaits sinners as their final
High Stakes Gambling is about
Satan enticing people to gamble their eternal souls away for the
temporary pleasures of this life.
Hilary's Testimony is about
Hilary's moral and spirit struggles and the victory found in
Jason Hoskey’s 18 Million Dollar Hunting Trip is about the high price Jason Hoskey paid
for a hunting trip and the mercy and forgiveness Jesus has shown us by paying the price for our sins.
Kalaloch’s Dangerous Riptides warns about dangerous currents.
Katrina: Who is to Blame? warns about
blame and responsibility.
Leonardo and the King of France is about
Leonardo Da Vinci's death.
Lost in the Fog is about a
rescue of people lost in the fog on the Pacific Ocean.
Lost Stradivarius is about a
Stradivarius that almost was thrown into a landfill.
Love Conquered All is about
the role of love in surviving a tsunami in Thailand.
Luna of Nootka Sound is about a
killer whale in Nootka Sound, Canada.
Luna: The Killer Whale is about a
killer whale in Nootka Sound who was accidentally killed. PDF
Many Waters Cannot Quench Love
is a story of Paul Doumit who lost his life at Long Beach
while rescuing his son's life from the ocean.
Matchless Pearl is a
story of an old pearl diver who learns that Allah's salvation is
by grace alone.
Message is a story about a Russian couple's ocean sailing
Mount Angeles is a story
of a person who took the wrong pathway.
New Carissa is a story
about a ship wreck on the Oregon coast.
Night the Bridge Blew Down Tells the story of a trucker who nearly lost his life
on a wind swept bridge.
Olympic Mountain Rescue
is a story of young couple who drove their SUV up the winding
road to Hurricane Ridge in the Olympic National Park to snow
Orphaned Orca is a story
of Boo, an Orca whale, who was rescued.
Over The Niagara Falls tells about Kirk Jones' plunge over Niagara Falls.
Payment With A Million Dollar Bill tells about a counterfeit million dollar bill.
Pharos, Lighthouse of Alexandria
is about the famous Egyptian lighthouse.
Rare Find
is a story of an Australian farmer who found a rare gold nugget.
Rescue on the Elwha River
is about a rescue of a kayaker on the Elwha River. PDF file.
Rescue in the North Pacific
is a story of a jet pilot who was rescued from the cold waters of
the Pacific Ocean.
Rescue On A Washington State Ferry
is a story of a dog that fell into the water from a ferry and was
rescued by its owner.
Richest Man in the Valley
is a story of a wealthy Norwegian farmer who learns about true
Search on Staircase Trail
is a story of Gilbert Gilman, ex-army-paratrooper, who was lost on the Staircase Trail in the Olympic Mountains.
Shark Attack! is a story
about a surfer who learns that death can come unexpectedly.
Shep is a story
about a sheep dog whose faithfulness and love to his master is a
lesson to us all.
Sinking of the Queen of the North Ferry
recounts the sinking of the Queen of the North ferry off the
Western coast of Canada.
Stand Where the Fire Has Been
tells about a avoiding death in a forest fire.
Swept out to Sea is a story
of Greg Hartley who was swept out to sea while scuba diving in the
Queen Charlotte Strait.
Taj Mahal: Monument to Eternal
Love Because of building’s beauty and Shah Jahan’s heartfelt
affection for his wife, a poet described the Taj Mahal as a
“Monument to Eternal Love.” It is used as an illustration of God's
eternal love.
Taki Too at Tillamook Bay
tells the account of tragic fishing accident.
Tay Bridge Disaster is the
story of the collapse of the Tay Bridge while a train was
crossing over it.
This is not your rest
relates pollution to the pollution that hinders us from seeing the
evidence of a Creator God.
Three Dams tells about a dramatic rescue on the Catawba River.
Tickets To Paradise tells about a
scam for air travel to Hawaii.
Trapped in a Dark Well a
young Romanian girl is saved from a well.
Trapped in a Shark Tank on On
August 8, 2002 visitors fall into a shark tank in New Orleans.
Two Parallel Scenes
presents a contrast between a forest fire's devastation and when
it is renewed to beauty.
Vital Imaging can show
heart disease even when a person appears to be healthy.
Warning Signs for a B.C. Beach gives an
account of a person who was swept out to sea near Port Renfrew.
We Will Wait… gives an
account of the sinking of the Princess Sophia ship with over
three hundred passengers on board.
When Drought Comes, Then Comes the Fire
tells about the famous Montana fires in 1910 and draws a vital
lesson for us.
Winners or Losers a
businessman's three ways to tell a winner that forgets our eternal
Arabic Gospel Stories
Arabic Christian Literature
Russian Gospel Stories
Бесценная жемчужина
The Matchless Pearl.
Спасение полярников
Arctic Rescue.
Бен Невис
Ben Nevis.
Лодка перевернулась в проливе Худа
Boat Overturned On Hood's Canal.
Посадка вслепую
Blind Landing.
Рассказ о касатке–сиротке
Boo, an Orca whale, who was rescued.
Встреча с пумой
Close Encounter With A Cougar.
Алмаз в песке
Diamond in the Sand.
Слабый крик над водой
Faint Call Over The Water.
Пятьдесят миллионов человек во тьме
Fifty Million in the Dark.
Свобода не бесплатна
Freedom is Not Free.
Свидетельство Хилари
Hilary's Testimony.
Коварные приливы Кэлалока
Kalaloch’s Dangerous Riptides.
Леонардо и король Франции
Leonardo and the King of France.
Потерянный Страдивари
The Lost Stradivarius.
Луна с отмели Нутка
Luna of Nootka Sound.
Многие воды не могут погасить любовь
Many Waters Cannot Quench Love
Непонятое послание
Misunderstood Message
Гора Анджелес
Mount Angeles
«Новая Карисса»
New Carissa
Над Ниагарским водопадом
Over the Niagara Falls
Редкая находка
A Rare Find.
Случай на пароме в штате Вашингтон
Rescue On A Washington State Ferry.
Спасение в Тихом океане
Rescue in the North Pacific.
Самый богатый человек в долине
Richest Man in the Valley
Shark Attack!
«Тадж Махал»: Памятник вечной любви
Taj Mahal: Monument to Eternal Love
«Таки-Ту» в заливе Тиламук
The Taki Too at Tillamook Bay
Три преграды
Three Dams
В ловушке с акулами
Trapped in a Shark Tank.
Заточение в темном колодце
Trapped in a Dark Well.
Сканирование вживую
Vital Imaging.
Победители и неудачники
Winners or Losers.
Last edited 12/10/2002
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