But millions upon millions of souls are in
spiritual darkness because they have either not heard the truth of the gospel,
or they have heard it and declined to receive its gracious offer of life.
Refusing the good news of the gospel, they have refused the only message that
ever could bring light into their lives. I am the light of the world: he that
believes on me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life.
It is only through the light that is in the Lord Jesus that we are enabled to
see ourselves way we truly are before God. By it we are enabled to see
ourselves as sinners under the just condemnation of a righteous God. Because
we are sinners unable to help ourselves we can see for the first time that we
are in dire need of a Savior.
Also, in the light of the Lord Jesus, we can see clearly the wonderful grace
of God. His grace led him to send his Son into this world where he would
eventually be nailed to the cross and die in the sinners place. In ancient
times, when a king or a ruler showed one of his subjects favor and gave them a
gift it was considered an act of grace. At the cross, the supreme ruler of the
universe opened his heart to you and me and gave the greatest gift he could
possibly give. He gave his Son. For God so loved the world that he gave his
only begotten son that whosoever believeth on him would not perish but have
everlasting life. |