The sadness of having to spend eternity in the darkness of hell will make
them weep and gnash their teeth. Oh what a future awaits those who never
come to Christ. The saddest fact by far about it all is that no one needs to
perish. The Lord is not willing that any should perish but that all should
come to repentance.
Lights and power supplies built by man may
fail and leave us in the dark but the light that shines in the Lord Jesus
will never go out. He shines true for every sinner who wants to trust him
for salvation. His light illuminates every saved one as they go about their
lives in a world that rejected him. His light will chase away the gloom when
it comes time to die so that every believer can die full of hope and
anticipation of soon seeing their master. And after they die they can enter
the heavenly city where there is no need of the sun for the Lord Jesus will
be the light of the place. Lights and power supplies, stars and suns, all
may fail but the Light that is in Jesus will never go out!
Hasnt the time you have spent in your life wandering in sins darkness been
long enough to prove the dissatisfaction and emptiness of a life apart from
God? Oh wont you come to him who said, I am the light of the world so
that you might glory in his light for time and eternity?