10 Safety, Certainty,

give you from your very heart to say with David, "I hate vain thoughts: but Thy law do I love" (Psalm 119:113). The verse just misquoted is found in 1 John 5:13, "These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may KNOW that ye HAVE eternal life."

How did the firstborn sons of the thousands of Israel know for certain that they were safe the night of Passover and of Egypt's judgment? Let us pay a visit to two of their houses, and hear what they have to say.

We have in the first house we enter that they are all shivering with fear and suspense. "What is the secret of all this paleness and trembling?" We enquire, and the firstborn son informs us that the angel of death is coming round the land, and that he is not quite certain how matters will stand with him at that solemn moment, "When the destroying angel has passed our house," says he, "and the night of judgment is over, I shall then know that I am safe; but I can't see how I can be quite sure of it until then. I hear they ARE sure of salvation next door, but we think it VERY PRESUMPTUOUS. All I can do is to spend the long, dreary night HOPING for the best."

"But," we ask, "has the God of Israel not provided a way of safety for His people?"

"True," he replies, "and we have availed ourselves of that way of escape. The blood of the spotless and unblemished first-year lamb has been duly sprinkled with the bunch of hyssop on the lintel and two side-posts, but still we are not fully assured of shelter."

and Enjoyment 11

Let us now leave these doubting, troubled ones, and enter next door. What a striking contrast meets our eye at once! Peace rests on every countenance. There they stand, with girded loins, and staff in hand, feeding on the roasted lamb.

"What can be the meaning of all this tranquillity on such a solemn night as this?"

"Ah," say they all, "we are only waiting for Jehovah's marching orders, and then we shall bid a last farewell to the taskmaster's cruel lash and all the drudgery of Egypt!"

"But hold! Do you forget that this is the night of Egypt's judgment?"

"Right well we know it; but our firstborn son is safe. The blood has been sprinkled according to the wish of our God."

"But so it has been next door," we reply, "but they are all unhappy, because all uncertain of safety."

"Ah!" firmly responds the firstborn, "BUT WE HAVE MORE THAN THE SPRINKLED BLOOD: WE HAVE THE UNERRING WORD OF GOD ABOUT IT. God has said: 'When I see the blood, I will pass over you' (Exodus 12:13). God rests satisfied with the blood outside, and we rest satisfied with His Word inside."

The sprinkled blood makes us SAFE. The spoken Word makes us SURE. Could anything make us more safe than the sprinkled blood, or more sure that His spoken Word? Nothing, NOTHING.