16 Safety, Certainty,

and the most daring, notorious liar in the neighbourhood. Do you believe, or even try to believe, that man?

"Of course not," you exclaim.

"Pray, why?"

"Oh, I know him too well for that!"

"But tell me how you know that you don't believe him. Is it by looking within at your faith or feelings?"

"No," you reply, "I think of the man that brings me the message."

Presently a neighbour drops in, and says, "The station-master has been run over by a goods train tonight, and killed upon the spot."

After he has left, I hear you cautiously say, "Well, I partly believe it now; for to my recollection this man only once in his life deceived me, though I have known him from boyhood."

But again I ask, "Is it by looking at your faith this time that you know you partly believe it?"

"No," you repeat, "I am thinking of the character of my informant."

Well, this man has scarcely left your room before a third person enters and brings you the same sad news as the first. But this time you say, "NOW, John, I believe it. Since YOU tell me, I can believe it." Again I press my question (which is, remember) but the

and Enjoyment 17

re-echo of your own), "How do you KNOW that you so confidently believe your friend John?"

"Because of who and what John is," you reply. "He never has deceived me, and I don't think he ever will."

Well, then, just in the same way, I know that I believe the Gospel because of the One who brings me the news. "If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater: for this is the witness of God which He hath testified of His Son. He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that BELIEVETH NOT GOT HATH MADE HIM A LIAR: because he believeth not the record that God gave of His Son" (1 John 5:9,10). "Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness" (Romans 4:3).

And anxious soul once said to a servant of Christ, "Oh, sir, I can't believe!" To which the servant wisely and quietly made reply, "Indeed, WHO is it that you can't believe?" This broke the spell. He had been looking at faith as an indescribable something he must feel within himself in order to be sure he was all right for Heaven; whereas faith ever looks outside to a living Person, and His finished work, and quietly listens to the testimony of a faithful God about both.

It is the outside look that brings the inside peace. When a man turns his face towards the sun his own shadow is behind him. You cannot look at self and a glorified Christ in Heaven at the same moment.