do with the Muslims? That which will sorrow the hearts and to be as if on the fire and will make the eyes shed tears . . .

IBN Al-Athir said: I remained for many years, avoiding the mentioning of this accident because of its great magnitude, disliking to speak of it, so that I put a foot forward and another backward and thought deeply, who is there who can write the wailing and crying of the Muslims, and who is there on whom it is easy to mention that . . . wish that my mother had not delivered (brought) me . . . would that I had been dead before this, and had been forgotten and out of sight . . . This job (work) includes the mentioning of the great event and the severe calamity which made the days and the nights extremely hard and bitter (barren) that no similar calamity will happen and that did befall (cover) the mankind and particularly the Muslims. IBN Al-Athir then mentioned the weakness of the Muslims and the empowering of their enemies over them . . . he said: "A woman from (Al-Tatars) entered a house and killed a group from its dwellers and they thought her to be a man . . . one of them (Al-Tatars) entered a street in which there were one hundred men, he went on killing them one by one till he killed them all, and not even a single man (out of the hundred) raised his hand against him (the Tatar) to harm him . . . and humiliation was put over the men . . . so they did not defend themselves neither little nor more. We take refuge with Allah from being defeated (by the enemy). IBN Al-Athir further said: One of the Tatar got hold of a man and he (Tatar) could not find any (weapon) to kill him, so he told the man: "put your head over this stone and do not move (keep it on) . . . and so the man put his head over the stone and remained there till a man from the Tatars came with a sword and killed him . . . and there were many similar examples . . .

So it is absolute obligatory upon the Islamic nation particularly upon the religions Scholars and the rulers from them to be obedient to Allah and to be dutiful to Him and to adjust the matters of differences among themselves and to propagate "The invitation to this religion (Islam) to others specially the offsprings, publish its good aspects, and instruct (teach) the people its (Islam's) laws and wisdom as did the Muslim nobles of early days." They (Muslim nobles of early days) strove hard in Allah's cause as they ought to have striven with sincerity and with all their efforts that His (Allah's) Name should be superior . . . They stood . . . inviting people to Allah's Religion (Islam), explained to them the good aspects and the excellence of Islam . . . and that was the reason their Kingdom was extended and their countries expanded, and they subjected others to its (Islam's) teachings. It was not long before their descendants deviated from the Right path, tore themselves into pieces after they had been one united piece, they doubted the Truth, so, for them the path was separated and they became as groups (and sects) having different (views and) opinions opposing each other in their aims . . . So how can they be elevated? . . . How can there be any progress or priority possible for them while they are following the disbelieving nations, they drag along behind them, pursue their ways and footsteps and imitate their actions, small or great.