xxxix JIHAD

pre-Islamic ignorant nations, against whom they used to fight in the past. So they have turned on their heels (back) as apostates from Islam, they have imitated them (Ignorant nations) in their civilization, in their social affairs, in their political affairs, in their character and in the pleasures of their lives. They (Muslims) also imitated them in many other things because of which Allah hated and forsook them. He (Allah) put them (Muslims) into trials under the effects of (1) Western civilization (2) and the Eastern Communist propaganda. So their land became "a free wealth with no protector, their Kingdom became a victim for every beast of prey and a food (nourishment) for every eater, and the meaning of the statement of the Prophet (Muhammad ) became apparent; "It is expected that the nations will call other nations to share them against you (Muslims) as the eaters call each other to eat from the food in front of them in a large wooden plate." A person asked the Prophet, "Is that will be because of our small number on that day?" The Prophet said: "Nay! Your number (will be) great, but you will be rubbish like the rubbish of

flood-water. And certainly Allah will remove from the breasts of your enemies "the fear from you" and surely He (Allah) will throw "Wahn" in your hearts. A person asked: "What is 'Wahn', O Allah's Apostle?" The Prophet , said, "Wahn: is to love (this) world and to hate the death." The Prophet (also) said: "If you (1) practiced "Tabajya Al-Ainiya" (i.e. selling goods to a person for a certain price and then buy them back from him for a far less price), (2) and followed the tails of the cows (i.e. indulged in agriculture and became contented with it) (3) and deserted the Jihad (Holy Fighting) in Allah's cause, Allah will cover you with humiliation and it will not be removed till you return back to your religion (Abu Daud)

And now they (Muslims) have deserted the Jihad and asked help from (their) enemies and protection from the disbelievers begging them, turning towards them, expecting good from them. So they (Muslims) have become mean, despised before Allah (inspite of) their Islamic names and in spite of the presence of righteous pious persons amongst them and in spite of the fact that some of the religious laws, signs and ceremonies are practiced in their countries.

One of the orientalists said: "When the Muslims turned away from their religious teachings and became ignorant of its wisdom and its laws and deviated towards the contradictory (man-made) laws taken from the opinions of men, there spread in them, immorality of character, falsehood, hypocrisy, ill-will and hatefulness became increased in them. So their unity disintegrated and they became ignorant of their present and future state and became unaware of what will harm them or will benefit them. They have become contented with the life in which they eat, drink, sleep and compete not with others, in superiority. All this is a visible fact, which every true believer feels, and which every enthusiastic person (about his religion) palpates in every community (nation) that gives up Al-Jihad and dips itself: (1) in a luxurious life, (2) in the worshipping of wealth and (3) in the love of this world.

History informs (tells us): What did the most wretched (Al-Maghool and Al-Tatar)