Psalms and the Gospel? and you find it in the Coran? that God and His Word and His Spirit are one God and one Lord? Ye have said that ye believe in God and His Word and the Holy Ghost, so do not reproach us, O men! that we believe in God and His Word and His Spirit: and we worship God in His Word and His Spirit, one God and one Lord and one Creator. God has shewn also in all the Scriptures, that the thing is so in guidance and true judgment. Who contradicts this and nothing else? In the Gospel also it is written, when the Christ was baptized in the holy river of Jordan, that the Father bare witness from Heaven, saying, "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased, hear ye Him," and the Holy Ghost came down from Heaven and abode upon Him, that men might know that God and His Word and His Spirit are one God and one Lord among the first and the last. And say not that God is removed from His place, or that there is of Him one thing without another: God forbid ! but we say that God is all complete in Heaven, and all complete in the Christ, and all complete in every place. Seest thou not the Sun which God created,...and light to the people of the world?

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that it is in heaven, and in the wadys and the mountains and on the hillsides and the seas, it is not divided and it is not removed from place to place, but wherever it wills it exists as it wills; it fills all things with its majesty and its might and there is nothing more glorious than it. Thus also David the prophet prophesied about the baptism of the Christ, saying, "The voice of the Lord is upon the waters, the God of glory thundereth, God is upon many waters." What do I prove from this prophecy about the baptism of the Christ? That the Father bare witness from Heaven, and the Son was on the water, and the Holy Ghost came down upon Him, and this is all one God and one might. This then is our faith and our testimony in God and His Word and His Spirit. He is the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost, one God and one Lord; but in the Christ He saved and delivered men. We will shew this also if God wills, how God sent His Word and His light as mercy and guidance to men and was gracious