to them in Him. There came down to Adam and his race from Heaven no Saviour from Satan and his darkness and his error. For God, may His name be blessed and sanctified and exalted! created of His bounty and His great mercy the heavens and the earth and all that is therein in six days, and created Adam of dust, and breathed into him the breath of life, and Adam became a living soul.

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Then He made him to dwell in the garden, and created his wife for him out of his rib. He commanded them to eat of every tree in the garden; but of the tree of good and evil they should not eat, for verily in the day that they should eat thereof they should surely die. And Satan envied them and wished to put them out from the honour of God, and he came to Eve the wife of Adam and said to her, "Thus hath God said, Eat not of the tree of knowledge, for He knoweth that when ye eat of it ye shall become gods like Him." And Satan made himself fair to them and deceived them, and Eve ate of it and gave her husband to eat; and they were naked and became aware of their nakedness, and covered themselves with fig-leaves. God drove them out of the garden, and they lived over against it. God made a wall of fire to the garden, and Adam inherited disobedience and sin and death. This ran on in the race of Adam; no man, prophet or other person was able to save the race of Adam from disobedience and sin and death. Between Adam and Noah there were ten fathers, and this was a thousand two hundred and seventy years. They did not remember God nor serve Him until Noah, and who among them loved God or obeyed Him?

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and Noah warned and called them to God, and they mocked him; they opposed him; then God brought the Flood on the sons of Adam and on all beasts in the time of Noah, and drowned all the people of the world, and saved. Noah and his household, eight persons, in the ship which God commanded him to make. There was with him in the ship of every beast and bird as God commanded him. Then after a year God brought out Noah and his household from the ship, and the earth was inhabited by his sons and his household. He offered an offering to God and God accepted that offering. Then there were between Noah and Abraham