vengeance, and God led them in the night by a pillar of fire and in the day He shaded them by the cloud. He fed them with manna and quails, and was gracious to them for forty years in the desert land. Thereupon they were disobedient to God, and committed things displeasing to the Lord. Nor did the Devil cease to reproach them till he tempted them and they worshipped the golden calf instead of God. When Moses was with God in Mount Sinai receiving the Law, God wished to destroy the children of Israel in their wicked works, and Moses entreated God and asked Him to forgive them and spare them from destruction. And God received the intercession of His servant and prophet Moses and forgave them and spared them from death. Then God said to Moses and the children of Israel, "I will raise up unto you a Prophet like unto Me; obey him in all that he shall command you. Whosoever shall not obey him, his name will I wipe out and will destroy him from the children of Israel." That Prophet was the Christ, the Word of God and His Spirit whom He sent from Heaven, a mercy and a guidance to the race of Adam and their salvation. Then God shewed Moses to be His prophet. And Moses lived a hundred and twenty years.

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And the children of Israel returned to be worse than they had ever been, worshipping the Devil in every place, not remembering God, and sacrificing their sons and daughters to the Devil and his hosts, even after He had brought them into the land of Palestine, the Holy Land. God sent to them His prophets and His apostles; and multiplied prophets unto them, and they preached to them and called them to God and shewed to him (sic) the work of the Devil and his temptation and his error. The Devil conquered the children of Israel and all people, and made them poor and led them astray and took people for (his) servants instead of God, and turned them aside and seduced them in every wicked work. And the people hastened against God's prophets and His apostles, and their hearts were blinded that they should not understand the speech of the prophets of God. Some of them they killed; some of them they stoned; and some of them they told lies about.