The work of Satan and his error appeared in every nation and every people. They worshipped fire and images and beasts and trees, and served living things and sea-monsters and every beast of the earth. God was not content with this for His creatures. God was more merciful than the merciful amongst His creatures. He appointed One who should preside over their salvation and their redemption from the temptation of Satan and his error. When the prophets of God saw this, that the children of Adam were lost, and

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that the Devil had conquered them, and that no man could save the race of Adam from error and destruction, the prophets and apostles of God entreated God and asked Him to come down to His creatures and His servants, and to preside in His mercy over their salvation from the error of the Devil. One of them said, "Lord, bend the heavens, and come down to us." One said, "O Thou that sittest upon the cherubim, shew Thyself to us, stir up Thy might, and come for our salvation." And one of them said, "There is no intercessor and no king, but the Lord will come and save us." Another prophesied saying, "The Lord sent His word and healed us from our toil and saved us." Another prophesied saying openly, "He shall come and not tarry." The prophet David prophesied saying, "Blessed be he that cometh in the name of the Lord, God is the Lord, and hath appeared unto us." He said also, "The Lord shall come and shall not keep silence: fire shall devour before Him, and it shall be very tempestuous round about Him." What shall I shew and make clear from this prophecy about the Christ? when the prophets prophesied and said that He is God and Lord and Saviour. It is He who came down from Heaven a Saviour to His servants. The throne is not divided, for verily God and His Word and His Spirit are on the throne, and in every place complete without diminution. The heavens and the earth and all that is therein are full of

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His honour. When God saw that His creatures were destroyed and that the Devil had prevailed against them, and that all nations and people served him * * * * * If God, to Him be glory and power! wished to destroy Satan, (He is