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you that which had never been given before to any
human beings."' 1 ' And
hold ye fast by the cord 2 of God all of
you, and break not loose from it; and remember God's
goodness towards you how that when ye were enemies,
He united your hearts, and by His favour ye became brethren;
and when ye were on the brink of the pit of fire, He
drew you back from it. Thus God clearly showeth you
His signs that ye may be guided.' 3
The most marked manifestation of the goodness of God
is that He revealed His will through Muhammad, and has
promised to those who follow him and obey God's
will, a special light which will guide them. 'O
ye who believe! fear God and believe in His apostle:
two portions of His mercy will He give you. He will
bestow on you light to walk in, and He will forgive
you: for God is Forgiving, Merciful; that the people
of the Book may know that they have no control over
aught of the favours of God, and that these gifts of
grace are in the hands of God, and that He vouchsafeth
them to whom He will; for God is of immense bounty.'
Acceptance by Him and the forgiveness of sin are further
marks of His goodness, for they are wholly of His goodness
and mercy. 'Say: Verily, I fear, should I rebel
against my Lord, the punishment of the great day. From
whomsoever it shall be averted on that day, He will
have had mercy on him: and this will be
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the manifest bliss.' 1 '
. . . and but
for the goodness of God towards you, and His Mercy,
no one of you had been cleansed for ever.' 2
This leads to the further thought of the reward which
God has prepared for those who obey Him. The reward
and the blessedness in store is boundless as God's
goodness. All that can make the blessed happy, shall
be granted in full abundance. 'And whoever shall
obey God and the Apostle, these shall be with those
of the Prophets, and of the Sincere, and of the Martyrs,
and of the Just, to whom God hath been gracious. These
are a goodly band! This is the bounty of God; and in
knowledge doth God suffice.' 3 'Vie
in hasting after pardon from your Lord, and Paradise
— whose outspread is as the outspread of the Heaven
and of the Earth prepared is it for those who believe
in God and His apostles: such is the bounty of God:
to whom He will He giveth it: and of immense bounty
is God.' 4
8. When the Qur'an has so much to say of the goodness,
the kindness and the mercy of God, it is remarkable
that it does not speak of the love of God with
any fulness, and when it does employ the word love,
it does not do so in the same sense in which it
is used in the Christian writings.
The love of God which is spoken of in the Qur'an
is not what is meant in the Bible by the expression
'the love of God'. In the first place, it does
not express an attribute of God Himself, but a relation
which He assumes towards men conditioned by their attitude