5. Ibn Abbas and Abd Allah Ibn Omar narrated that there was a Bedouin hunter who once returned with a lizard which he had caught and which he intended to slay and roast for his family, when he met a crowd who, on being asked, told him that they had gathered, because Mohammed was claiming to be a prophet. The Bedouin pressed through the crowd and said, 'O Mohammed, by Lat and Ozza, I shall never believe in thee, till this lizard does the same;' and with these words threw the lizard down before Mohammed. The lizard wanted to run away; but Mohammed called it back. It then said in plain Arabic, understood by all present, 'Here am I: what is thy behest?' Mohammed asked, 'Whom dost thou worship?' The lizard answered, 'I worship that God whose throne is in the heaven, His dominion on the earth, His path in the sea, His mercy in Paradise, and His punishment in Hell.' His Excellency further asked, 'Who am I?' to which the lizard thus made answer, 'Thou art the apostle of both worlds, the seal of the prophets: those who acknowledge thee find luck and prosperity, and those who reject thee shall suffer loss and harm.' When the Bedouin heard these words from the lizard, he was astounded, and said, 'I shall not desire any further sign after what I have now witnessed: I testify that there is no God but One, who has no companion, and I testify that thou art His servant and apostle. By Allah, I love thee more than my eye and my ear, my mother and my father, my wife and my children.'
6. Akil Ibn Abu Talib related, 'I once accompanied that prince on a journey, and, after travelling about two parasangs, I saw several miracles from him. The first was this, that when I complained to his Excellency that I was very thirsty, and he sent me to a mountain close by, to ask water of it, that mountain began to speak, saying, "Go to the Prophet and say to him that since the Most High has made known in the Koran the verse 'Kindle the fire which will burn up men and rocks,' I have wept so much from the fear of God that no water has remained within me." The second was this, that, once, when that prince wished to go aside privately and there was no sheltered spot near, he saw some trees at a distance, in the field, whom he addressed, saying, "Cover


me;" whereupon those trees at once gathered in one place and formed a kind of vault which that Excellency entered. The third was this, that we reached a place where we found a camel lying which as soon as it saw his Excellency, rose up, went near him, and bowed before him, as humbly as children bow before their parents. On his Excellency asking, "What dost thou want?" that camel answered, "O Prophet of God, my people lie down and sleep without saying their evening prayers, so that I fear God will punish them." Then his Excellency had those people brought to him, and forbade them to be so negligent.'
7. Once a stag fled before a wolf and entered the holy place for protection, the wolf remaining outside. Abu Sofyan Ibn Harb and Mahzama Ibn Nowfal saw this and wondered, when the wolf spoke to them thus: 'Do ye wonder at this? I tell you that your own case is still more to be wondered at; for Mohammed is inviting you to the profession of the Unity and to the Faith, but ye do not believe him; and, by Allah, none of you has ever seen one like him, nor has any ear heard of attributes like his.' They wondered at this: but on account of their exceedingly great envy they did not tell it to any person, until they embraced Islam.
8. Seid Ibn Zeid relates that once the Apostle of God, together with Abu Bekr, Omar, and Othman, was on Mount Hira. Then that mount began to move and tremble, but his Excellency addressed it thus, 'O thou Mount Hira, be still and quiet: for the persons on thee are no other than the Prophet, the faithful one, and the martyr.'
9. Abu Dhirr narrates that once the Prophet sat somewhere with Abu Bekr, Omar, Otham, and, according to another account, also with Ali, when he took up seven pebbles from the earth; and they, in his blessed hand, praised God with a loud voice, like the buzz of bees. He then put them down, and they became silent. After this he placed them into the hands of his companions in turn, and they again praised God; but on putting them into my hand, they remained silent; and on my asking the Prophet the reason of this, he replied, 'O Abu Dhirr, wishest thou to be equal to the orthodox Califs?'
10. Once a Bedouin came to the Prophet, saying, 'I have