embraced Islam, and am come to ask of thee to show me a sign, in order to increase the certainty of my faith.' Mohammed sent him to a tree to request it, in his name, to come to him. As soon as he delivered the message, the tree began to turn from one side to the other, tearing up its roots, and then walked to that Excellency, saying, 'Peace be to thee, O thou Apostle of God!' Then the Bedouin said, 'It is enough, it is enough!' and the Prophet commanded the tree to return to its former place.
11. Ibn Abbas avers that when once some person came and said to that Excellency, 'Whence can I know that thou art a prophet come from God?' he replied, 'Wilt thou believe, if at my request a branch of this date-tree comes down?' The Bedouin having answered in the affirmative, Mohammed called the branch, and lo, it at once fell down on the ground and then stood up erect and walked to his Excellency, who then sent it back to its former place.
12. It is narrated that once, during the Taif expedition, that prince mounted his camel during a very dark night and rode onward, till he stood before a lotus-tree, which then, of itself, split in two, so that his Excellency could safely pass through it.
13. Jabir Ibn Abd Allah narrated that when they were digging the ditch, he had been preparing a supper with a fattened kid, for the Prophet, and I few friends. On inviting the Prophet, the latter asked him to tell his wife, not to take the pot, with the kid, from the hearth, nor to put the dough into the oven, before they came; and then the Prophet asked all the people employed in the ditch to accompany them. Jabir went and said to his wife, 'Woe to thee; his Excellency has invited all the people.' His wife replied, 'Grieve not: for God and His apostle know best.' When we arrived, that Excellency pronounced a blessing on the pot of kid and on the dough, and then caused the people to enter and sit down by tens. After they had all eaten and were satisfied, that Excellency ordered the pot to be kept covered and the oven closed, and then called in the rest of the people, amounting in all to nearly 1000 who likewise ate, till they had enough. His Excellency also told them to take some of the food to their neighbours, because of the prevailing famine. We all


ate and sent to our neighbours, and the supply was not finished till that prince left our house.
14. Jabir again narrates that, after his father's death, the creditors came, demanding payment; and on offering them the entire produce of the field, they refused to accept it, deeming it too little. He then went to the Prophet to ask help of him; and he ordered him to gather all the produce in different heaps. This being done, the Prophet walked three times round the first heap, and then measured from it the whole amount due to the creditors, without apparently diminishing it, whilst all the other heaps remained for Jabir.
15. It is recorded that the Apostle of God once stroked the back of a barren sheep with his blessed hand, when the udder of that sheep instantaneously filled with milk, so that he could milk it, drink of the milk himself, and also let Abu Bekr drink of it.
16. Abu Horeira narrates; 'I once went to the Apostle of God with a few dates, asking him to bless them for me. After he had taken them into his own hand and blessed them, he told me to put them into a sack, which I was never to empty upon the ground, but from which I was to take as often as I might want. I did as I was bidden, and, by Allah, I ate of those dates, giving also to my guests and people, as long as that Excellency lived and even during the Califates of Abu Bekr, Omar, and Otham, till, at the martyrdom of the latter, my house was pillaged, together with that sack.'
17. Omar Ibn el Khattab related; 'During the Tabuk expedition the companions asked permission of the Apostle of God to slaughter camels, because of the scarcity of provisions. But he refused, requesting them to bring all the remaining provisions and to pour them upon a mat. This done, he invoked a blessing, and then all those present ate of the provisions till they were satisfied, and what remained over, they put into sacks.'
18. Abu Horeira averred; 'Once they brought a cup of delicious food to the Prophet, and he invited also those present to partake of it, with him. When they had all eaten, his Excellency, with his blessed finger, stroked together what was sticking to the basin, amounting to a mouthful,