which he asked me to eat: and, by Allah; I ate of it till I became quite satisfied.'
19. The same related: 'Once when I was very hungry, his Excellency asked me to his house, and on arriving I found that he had prepared a cup of milk. After all had drunk of it and only a little remained, this was given to me to drink. I then drank of it, and went on drinking, till there remained no more room in my stomach; and what I left that Excellency drank himself.'
20. Uns Ibn Malik related: 'Once that Excellency put a few loaves of bread into my arm, with which he satisfied the appetite of seventy men: and yet these loaves were still remaining in my arms.'
21. It is reported that once the Prophet requested Omar Ibn Khattab to prepare dates as provision for 400 soldiers, mounted on camels. Then those 400 soldiers provisioned themselves from those few dates, and when they had done so, the dates remained just as before, as if none had been taken.
22. Jabir Ibn Simre stated, that once his Excellency said, 'You ought to conquer the lands of Chosroes and the Caesar, and divide their riches and treasures.' Eventually matters turned out as that Excellency had predicted.
23. Ibn Horeira narrated: 'On one of the expeditions I was with his Excellency and there was also a certain Kazman of whom he said, 'He will surely go to Hell.' When they told the Prophet that Kazman had fought better than all the rest, he repeated, 'He surely will go to Hell.' This was so strange, that one of the companions went after the man to learn his state; and then saw him draw an arrow from his quiver to kill himself, he being reluctant to bear the pains from a spear-wound which he had received. When Mohammed heard this, he told Bilal to call out aloud, 'No one who is not a Mussulman can enter Paradise.'
24. Abu Musa narrated: 'I once sat with his Excellency in one of the gardens of Medina, when some one came and knocked at the door. That Excellency asked me to open the door for the coming person and to salute him with the promise of Paradise. I did as I was bidden, and that person was Abu Bekr. Then some one else knocked, and his Excellency spoke as before. This was Omar. After


a while again some one knocked, and Mohammed, who was reclining, said, "Go, open the door, and salute him with the promise of Paradise, on the condition that he is to suffer a great calamity." I went and found that it was Othman.'
25. Ibn Horeira said: 'The Prophet stated that the resurrection is not to take place till the time when you will have made war with a people whose sandals are of leather, and with the people of the Turks whose eyes are narrow, their faces red, their noses extended, and whose visage is, as it were, a shield covered over with leather." 1
26. Ibn Abbas reported: 'The Prophet one day went round the Kaaba, when he met Abu Sofyan, and said to him, "O Abu Sofyan, thou hast spoken such and such words to thy wife Hind." Abu Sofyan said to himself, "My wife has betrayed my secrets: I will go home and do so and so to her." After that Excellency had finished his circumambulation, he went again to Abu Sofyan, and said to him, "O Abu Sofyan, do thou no harm to thy wife; for she has not betrayed thy secrets." Upon this Abu Sofyan said, "I testify that thou art the Prophet of the Most High God, and knowest my mind and my secrets."'
27. Aisha the faithful stated: 'Once the Prophet sent me to see a lady whom he desired to marry. On my return I said, "O Apostle of God, I did not see anything that would answer." His Excellency replied, "The truth is, that thou hast seen in her face such a charm of beauty as raised thy jealousy." On hearing this, I became just, and said, "O Prophet, who is there that can conceal anything from thee?"'
28. Abu Nawfal narrated: 'When Hajaj killed Abd Allah, he sent his head to his mother Asma, and she returned to him this answer: "The Apostle of God says that a liar and a shedder of blood is to arise from the Thakifite tribe and although thou hast seen the liar, thou dost not think that there is a spiller of blood besides thyself."' The Ulemas declare that the liar here referred to was Mukhtar Ibn Abu Abid.
29. Once, when the Apostle of God left Medina on a

1 This description applies to the genuine Turks as being originally a branch of the great Tartar stock in Central Asia.