military expedition, a woman, Om Waraka, begged him to let her accompany the expedition, to attend on the sick and wounded, and, if God should appoint it for her, to obtain martyrdom. But Mohammed told her to remain in Medina, and there to attain to the rank of a martyr. Now in Omar's Califate her two slaves murdered her, so as to obtain their liberty the sooner. Omar, on hearing it, pronounced it to be the fulfilment of the Prophet's word. Still, he commanded the two slaves to be hanged.
30. Abu Horeira stated that he heard the Prophet say; 'A number of the strong men of the Koreish will destroy some of my people.' Abu Horeira adds, 'If I wished, I could designate them by name.' The Ulemas affirm, that the Beni Harb and Beni Omeia were meant.
31. It is recorded that when the Sura in which it is said, 'Do not you raise your voice above that of the Prophet,' was sent down, Thabit Ibn Kis did not come to the mosque for some days, knowing that the verse referred to him. Mohammed inquiring what was the matter with him, whether, perhaps, he was ill, some one went to see him, and reported to the Prophet that he had found him very sad and melancholy because of the verse, whereupon the Prophet sent the man back to Thabit with this message, 'Art thou not ready to live happy, to die a martyr, and to enter Paradise praising?' It is a fact that Thabit became a martyr in the battle of Yemama, after the time of his Excellency.
32. Abu Dhirr narrated that the Prophet said, 'Be quick to conquer Egypt; and, O Abu Dhirr, when thou seest that two men quarrel with each other, on account of a piece of land, the size of a brick, then leave that country. Abu Dhirr adds, 'After the conquest of Egypt I saw Abd ur Rahman quarrel with his brother for so much land as his Excellency had intimated; and I at once left that place.'
33. Uns Ibn Malik related that once the Prophet took breakfast in the house of Om Haram, his pure wet-nurse, after which he fell asleep. On awakening he smiled; and Om Haram asking him for the reason, he replied, 'Because I have been shown part of my people embarking in ship make war with the infidels.' When Om Haram said, 'O thou Apostle of God, pray that I also may be amongst


them,' he rejoined, 'Thou shalt be of their number.' In the reign of Omeia, when they made war with the Greek infidels, the soldiers embarked in ships, and Om Haram went with them; but on the way to the ship she fell from her camel and died.
34. Hazim Ibn Aws averred that he heard the Prophet say, it had been revealed to him that his people was to conquer Herat, and that a fair Amazon, riding on a white mule, should be taken captive. Hazim begged that she might become his; and Mohammed consented. The prediction was fulfilled under Khalid Ibn Walid.
35. When the Sura Tebbet (i.e. Sura iii.) came down, concerning Abu Lahab, his wife, Om Jamila, went to abuse the Prophet of God. Abu Bekr, who just happened to be with him, seeing her come, said to Mohammed, 'O thou Apostle of God, this woman has an exceedingly bad tongue; go out of her way that she may not see thee.' So when she had departed, without having seen him, the Prophet said, 'The Almighty has sent an angel who covered me with his wings.'
36. Abu Horeira narrated, that one day Abu Jahl wished to put his unclean foot on Mohammed's pure neck and to rub his face upon the ground, as the latter was performing his prayers; but when he approached him with that intention, he was seen suddenly to withdraw and to make motions with his hand, as if he was turning something away. On being asked the reason of his having done so, he replied, 'A ditch of fire appeared between him and me; and I saw a multitude who drove me away with their wings, wherefore I was overwhelmed by an exceedingly great fear.' His Excellency said to his companions, 'If Abu Jahl had come near me, the angels would have torn off his limbs one by one.'
37. Abu Imama stated, that the Apostle of God was once about to put on his boots, and had already put on one, when a raven came and carried off the other to some distance, where a serpent was seen to creep out of it.
38. Hitham Ibn Adi narrated that in the battle of Ohod Katada Ibn Naaman was hit in his eyes with a spear, so that the eye came out and he held it in his hand. In this condition he went to seek help of Moham med, who said to